Is it possible for a man to smell which side a female is ovulating from?
A guy told me he can smell which side a womanly is ovulating from. When I hear it, I thought it's total BS. Also, can a woman know which side she is ovulating from? As a woman, I own no conception.
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Some women experience niggle surrounded by ovary at the time of ovulation This is medically call Mittelismitz. Women recognise it. If the typical cramp is on not here side it`s gone ovary and if the backache is on right side it`s right ovary.
No odor or torment within most women.
Will a pap smear show if I enjoy a bacterial/yeast infection and trichomoniasis?
yeah i told my gf like peas in a pod entry, in attendance is a horribe, horrible odor coming from one side, but not the other.What does a yeast infection get the impression resembling?
He is really pulling you tie up.Guys can't even notify when it's time to dust their clothes
Your guy is full of it. Some women can quality herself ovulating and therefor, can describe which side but I don't see why you would want to know as it doesn't brand name a difference.
Breast tenderness
Abdominal cramps or twinges
Increased vaginal discharge
Change in position and firmness of the cervix
Those are the signs of ovulation. interest no mention of odor or sides.
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No one can report that, except by specific types of medical imaging.However, anthropological studies indicate that women enjoy an innate sense of when they are ovulating, and tend to dress in a more suggestive craze i.e. their norm during that portion of their cycle.