Side effects... nuvaring?

I used Nuvaring, and have an peculiar black spotting... i discontinued use, and thought possibly it be because I started it at matching time as I be taking antibiotics... I'm considering taking it again... have anyone have this type of side effect?

Irregular Period?

My friend have a problem: it fell out, she get pregnant (didn't know it) put it posterior contained by and have a miscarriage.

I'm no doctor, but the spotting be probably because of the different method of birth control. The ring introduces the hormones into your system adjectives the time by human being obsessed through the uterun walls and into the blood stream. If you cart the pill the patch or injection consequently the hormones acquire introduced in other ways. Anytime the hormones alteration contained by your body you can expect something approaching that to start.

3 period a month???

Active Ingredients: Etonogestrel and ethinyl estradiol vaginal ring
Representative Names: NuvaRing
Available Product Images:

What is ethinyl estradiol; etonogestrel vaginal ring do?
What should my strength thoroughness professional know in the past I use ethinyl estradiol; etonogestrel vaginal ring?
How should I use this prescription?
What if I miss a dose?
What drug(s) may interact beside ethinyl estradiol; etonogestrel?
What side effects may I identify from taking ethinyl estradiol; etonogestrel vaginal ring?
What should I survey for while taking ethinyl estradiol; etonogestrel vaginal ring?
Where can I maintain my prescription?

What is ethinyl estradiol; etonogestrel vaginal ring do? (Back to top)
ETHINYL ESTRADIOL; ETONOGESTREL vaginal ring (NuvaRing(R)) is a flexible, combined contraceptive (birth control) vaginal ring. Each ring is used to prevent ovulation and pregnancy for one month. If used properly, this drug is as influential as oral birth control pills. A generic ethinyl estradiol; etonogestrel vaginal ring is not available.

What should my vigour comfort professional know previously I use ethinyl estradiol; etonogestrel vaginal ring? (Back to top)
They have need of to know if you own or ever have any of these conditions:
oblood clots
oblood sugar problems, similar to diabetes
ocancer of the breast, cervix, ovary, uterus, vagina, or unusual vaginal bleeding that have not be evaluated by a robustness prudence professional
ogallbladder disease
oheart or circulation problems
ohigh blood pressure
oliver disease
omenstrual problems
omigraine headaches
osystemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
otobacco smoker
oan unusual or allergic criticism to estrogen/progestin, other hormones, medicine, foods, dyes, or preservatives
opregnant or trying to carry pregnant

How should I use this drug? (Back to top)
Insert the ethinyl estradiol; etonogestrel vaginal ring in your vagina as directed by your strength aid professional and the tolerant information handout that comes near your prescription. Make clear in your mind you become conscious your instructions.

When you insert your vaginal ring will depend upon if you own previously used a different form of birth control, or other conditions. Be sure to ask your condition precision provider when you should insert your vaginal ring for the first time.

Keep an extra, unused vaginal ring available to ensure that you will not miss the first daytime of the subsequent cycle.

Contact your pediatrician or condition meticulousness professional about the use of this tablets contained by children. Special thoroughness may be needed.

What if I miss a dose? (Back to top)
You usually will individual have need of to replace your vaginal ring once a month. You should follow the exact instructions in the long-suffering information handout. Speak to your robustness fastidiousness provider on what to do if you resign from your vaginal ring in for a longer or shorter interval of time than you are supposed to, or if it should slip out.

What drug(s) may interact beside ethinyl estradiol; etonogestrel? (Back to top)
oaminocaproic acid
oantibiotics or medicine for infections, especially rifampin, rifapentine or rifabutin
obarbiturate medicine for producing sleep or treating seizure (convulsions)
ogrowth hormone
oisoniazid, INH
omedicines for anxiety or sleeping problems, such as diazepam or temazepam
omedicines for mental depression, such as amitriptyline or imipramine
omedicines for migraines, such as naratriptan or sumatriptan
omedicines for diabetes, including troglitazone and pioglitazone
omedicines for seizure, including felbamate, phenytoin, fosphenytoin, oxcarbazepine or topiramate
oritonavir or other medicine for the treatment of the HIV virus or AIDS
osoy isoflavones supplements
oSt. John's wort

Tell your prescriber or condition watchfulness professional roughly speaking adjectives other medicine you are taking, including non-prescription medicine, nutritional supplements, or herbal products. Also relate your prescriber or robustness consideration professional if you are a frequent user of drinks near caffeine or alcohol, if you smoke, or if you use wicked drugs. These may affect the means of access your tablets works. Check past stopping or starting any of your medicine.

What side effects may I spy from taking ethinyl estradiol; etonogestrel vaginal ring? (Back to top)
Severe side effects are relatively exceptional contained by women who are clean and do not smoke while they are using hormonal contraceptives. On average, more women enjoy problems due to complications from getting pregnant than own problems beside hormonal contraceptives. Many of the minor side effects may run away as your body adjust to the tablets. However, the potential for severe side effects does exist and you may want to discuss these near your condition support provider.

The following symptoms or side effects may be related to blood clots and require instant medical or emergency back:
ochest pain
ocoughing up blood
odizziness or faint spells
oleg, arm or groin pain
osevere or sudden headaches
ostomach pain (severe)
osudden shortness of breath
osudden loss of coordination, especially on one side of the body
oswelling of the hand, foot or ankles, or swift consignment gain
ovision or speech problems
oweakness or numbness in the arms or legs, especially on one side of the body

Other serious side effects are few and far between. Contact your condition assistance provider as soon as you can if the following side effects go down:
obreast tissue change or discharge
ochanges contained by vaginal bleeding during your length or between your periods
oheadaches or migraines
oincreases in blood sugar, especially if you hold diabetes
oincreases in blood pressure, especially if you are particular to own giant blood pressure
omuscle aches
osunburn-like imprudent explicitly followed by crumbling of the skin
osymptoms of vaginal infection (itching, irritation or unusual discharge)
otenderness in the upper abdomen
ounusual rosiness of the inside of the feeler, mouth, throat, vagina, or insides of the eyelids
oyellowing of the eyes or skin

Side effects that usually do not require medical attention (report to your strength trouble provider if they verbs or are bothersome):
obreakthrough bleeding and spotting that continues beyond the 3 initial cycles
obreast tenderness
omild stomach upset
omood change, anxiety, depression, frustration, anger, or passionate outbursts
oincreased or decrease appetite
oincreased sensitivity to sun or ultraviolet light
oskin unthinking, acne, or brown spots on the skin
oweight gain

What should I examine for while taking ethinyl estradiol; etonogestrel vaginal ring? (Back to top)
Visit your robustness thinking provider for regular checks on your progress. You should enjoy a complete check-up every 6 to 12 months. If you own any unusual vaginal bleeding contact your prescriber or vigour supervision professional for warning. If you miss a time of year, the possibility of pregnancy must be considered. See your prescriber or strength vigilance provider as soon as you can.

NuvaRing may interfere next to the correct placement of a diaphragm. A diaphragm is foolish as a back-up method of contraception near NuvaRing(R) use.

If you are using hormonal contraceptives for the treatment of acne, hirsutism (male-like curls growth), endometriosis or other hormone related problems, it may purloin several months of continued treatment to spy promotion within your symptoms or condition.

Tobacco smoking increases the risk of getting a blood clot or have a stroke while you are using ethinyl estradiol; etonogestrel, especially if you are more than 35 years weak. You are strongly advise not to smoke.

Hormonal contraceptives can increase your sensitivity to the sun and you may burn more well. Use sunscreen and protective clothing during long period outdoors. Tanning booths should be used near chariness.

If you wear contact lenses and see optical change, or if the lenses originate to touch humiliated, consult your eye safekeeping specialist.

In some women, discomfort, swelling, or minor bleeding of the gums may go off. Notify your dentist if this happen. Brushing and flossing your teeth regularly may serve consideration this. See your dentist regularly and inform your dentist of the medicine you are taking.

You may win a vaginal yeast infection. If you own never have a yeast infection since, see your prescriber or other form attention to detail provider to confirm the problem. If you enjoy have yeast infections in times gone by and are comfortable near self-medicating the problem, carry and use a nonprescription medication to treat the yeast infection.

Using the ethinyl estradiol; etonogestrel vaginal ring for contraception does not protect you against HIV infection (AIDS) or any other sexually transmitted diseases.

If you are going to own elective surgery, you may inevitability to stop using your hormonal vaginal ring one month beforehand. Consult your robustness attention professional for proposal prior to scheduling the surgery.

Where can I maintain my pills? (Back to top)
Keep out of the accomplish of children.

Store at room warmth between 15 and 30 degree C (59 and 86 degree F) for up to 4 months. The product will expire after 4 months of removal from chilled storage within the pharmacy. Avoid storing in direct sunlight. Keep container tightly closed. Throw away any unused tablets after the expiration date.

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