Everytime I have sex with my boyfriend, my thingy down there really hurts when peeing, is this normal?

When peeing, my friend down nearby really hurts. I be aware of this little sting or something, but afterwards after 2-3 days I'm fine, is this common?
I'm lone 20 and have merely be sexually stirring for 1 year.


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This used to crop up to me regularly. It have something to do beside the holes down at hand person close together, so during access the urethra is irritated b/c it's close to the vag. Anyhoo, what I did be drink a total bunch of hose down back sex, and enjoy a pee and a prompt purify beside hot dampen afterwards. Make sure you do this EVERY TIME. Otherwise you'll take a bladder infection, and man, nought is worse.

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some body fluids might be getting into your nouns where on earth the pee comes out. it shouldnt closing that long though. if that happen you should see the dr. you could carry a really bleak infection

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It could be cystitus an infection of the urinary tract you should speak to your doctor,but for checked it sometimes can front to a bladder infection.LIndsay.


When semen and urine mix, the acerbic contained by the urine kill the cell within the semen, thus creating a burining sensation. It is kindly of approaching rubbing alcohol on a cut to verbs it. It burns but to be exact newly the bitter impulse. Its regular.

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i dont muse that it is usual, you should dance to the gyno and obtain checked out. It could be chlamydia, which is treatable or you could own something else wrong internally.....categorically progress to the gyno.

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You really should not be sense twinge approaching that after sex. Are you using condoms? if so try a diffrent berthcontroll method and except afterwards you might enjoy a infection so you should really reason almost seeing a doctor.
Best of Luck to you!

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You shouldn't be peeing while have sex....=0)

Sounds similar to some germs is getting up in in attendance or something. Try taking cranberry supplement pills to sustain near urinary tract function.

Breast Developement?

sounds similar to a uti... you should try to pee as soon as you can after you enjoy sex, that will comfort prevent them

Still a virgin?

It could be an infection or possibly an STD, you should shift to the doctor. It could also be that you're not using satisfactory lube and so the friction is irritating the urethra.

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You're probably have too much sex or you're not turned on ample while have sex.. If you hold some dry sex it stings afterwards when you pee.. Happens to me sometimes. I know how ya quality. Just try to hang on to things rather wetter... Try a lubericant.

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Same entity happen to me. I asked my gyno b/c I be worried. He said I'm pretty get thinner inside if you know what I stingy so to use lots of lube so sex wouldn't create me sting afterwards. My fiance's pretty well-endowed so in that's two reason that very soon we use lots of lube!

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