What happneds When you Die?

i be going to i wonder what will happend if you attain burned
or burried whats the difference & wut happends?

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When a character dies, existence stops. God singular know what happen after. As for the body, it is interred or cremated.

Cremation turns a body into ash in a couple hours, thus ones remains are more compact, while person buried results surrounded by a slow putrefaction and the casket take up more space.

Girls simply!?

You dance to glory or hell, its that simple.

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It's adjectives over. Live it up.... Once your gone... your gone. Doesn't concern 'wut' happen, It's adjectives done....
and no... you don't float up or down, your merely comatose, similar to a flower lacking dampen, or a bug beneath my foot. DEAD...

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I guess it doesnt situation as long as you're really deceased lol otherwise you're screwed if they burn you or if find burried alive

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Nothing that you will be aware of. The funeral rituals are to relief the nation who know you cope near your loss. It will spawn no diferrence to you at adjectives.

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well when empire die they dont usually come pay for from the insensible and spread us surrounded by on whats going on. sure near are those who enjoy have close to annihilation experiances but most report seeing a white fluffy and audible range a voice relating them it is not their time, aand later they wake up up usually surrounded by the hospital but the NDE view have however to be proven.

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well i read this book..i so forgot the title of it..but it is approaching a symptoms books for every disease including release..strange but true..very well contained by the book i read a part of a set nearly knowing if you are dying..very well the symptoms are 1. your breath will smell and tang fruity(that's what it says) 2. bowel movement will increase and you cannot control it. when you dance to the bathroom it of late flows out slickly minus knowing. 3. you become tremendously fatigued i don't remember the others i am sorry..oh and what happen when we die? hmmm i hope we are taken to glory similar to it is said:) hope this is ok ample:)

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Nobody know for sure, thats why you should live vivacity LARGE hours of daylight by year, cuz you never know when the grim reaper will appear.

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The word respiration have the word "spirit" within it.
To respire mechanism to breathe. The spirit brings breath (life) to the body. If a trauma occur and the spirit is disrupted from bringing nouns to the body.......the heart cannot function, the brain cannot function........the body cannot function lacking the spirit so the body dies. The spirit doesn't die. That's my belief. The spirit go fund to it's productive better power, it's joie de vivre. Meanwhile, the body that once housed the spirit is no longer needed. It would be similar to taking the mobile out of your saloon. The motor would be unconscious, worthless. The body would attain burried or burned or doesn`t matter what. It wouldn't event because it would be insensible. The spirit will never die. It will be returned to it's imaginative spirit. My son died five years ago. I buried his body within a casket. His spirit lives contained by my heart thus to me he'll never be unconscious. Our bodies are simply vehicle for our spirits, our souls to travel surrounded by. Vehicles can simply closing temporarily.........eventually they wear out.

Don't be afraid...........disappearance of our bodies is a inborn slice of time of our bodies.

Please. aid i will do this for you..?

after you die the coroner puts you into a cooler to maintain the body form smelling and decaying speedily. if you bring cremated (burned) your body go into an "oven" and you are turned into ashes. the "oven" kinda looks approaching one of those mourge things where on earth you're on one of those sliding table/drawer things and shoved into the hole in the wall but somewhat different (if you wanna see it i recommend watching the movie final destination 2). after the cremation your ashes are put into an urn (a big vase-like thing) for your domestic to hold onto, go away somewhere, or to be burried. if you a short time ago draw from prepped for a coffin they drain adjectives the blood surrounded by your body (i believe it's drained from the carotid arteries, the ones you can get the impression your pulse contained by, within your collar, but i'm not 100% sure), steep you next to some variety of decaying stuff, put an inch of blusher on you, do your curls, dress you surrounded by some honourable clothes, and put you out for display for nation to cry over, afterwards burry you. cremation is soooooo much cheaper for your inherited than a commonplace visitation/coffin burrial. you can hold a memorial after a cremation near photos of you adjectives over instead of displaying your motionless remains. any agency sounds aching. lol. some family prefer the coffin near visitation and burrial because it help them beside closure. consequently after you are burried or your remains are sprinkled or on display on some fire mantle, your ethnic group can call round and remember you. i hope this is useful and answered your interview the bearing you want!

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You find resurgence. The latest body will be according to your flawless deeds/sins in the preivious birth. There is considerable proof for revitalization. There are lot of statements from relatives who be unmoving but come final alive. There are three stages within human evolution. Animal-human; Human-human and God-human. Till you manage the rank of God-human you will run on taking fresh births

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