Does the pill really work?

I enjoy be wanting to catch on the pill for some time in a minute, one to abet my desperate cramps when I get hold of my cycle and two to avoid getting pregnant. I enjoy be doing my research but I own found that you can still acquire pregnant even when you are on the pill. I want to know if it have to do near if its lo or elevated dose bc. And if so what are reccomnded bc to rob to prevent pregnancy and support menstrual cramps.

Are within any diseases that resemble the signs of pregnancy?

Yes, the pill works pretty accurately. Well, depends on your definition of accurate. It's similar to 99% potent.

Well that method that 1 out of a 100 times you will catch pregnant.

Not that great of probability.

It will variety your breasts bigger though. And it'll regulate your interval so that it comes consistently at matching time of the month.

Also, if you do get hold of pregnant, the likelihood that you'll enjoy twins are lots times complex than lacking the pill. (I'm a twin because of this)

What is pcos? i see loads of question on it but dont enjoy a clue what it is!? on it for abundant years and it works great.

does anal sex break the hymen ?

normally within one moth it will start to work but some times it dosen,t work for some girls.

i own jsut started my length, any suggestions for cramps?

Low-dose is more liable to not work, especially if you don't lift it the precise time you're supposed to. However as a period-reducer the pill works for MOST women - it didn't work for me, instead made it worse. If you consider yourself a usual woman than it should work fine.

I own my interval last 3 or 4 that common?

its ls approaching 99.8% affective... depending on if you are taking it properly.. not missing a pill.. self vigilant in the order of other medication..

i've be taking it for nearly 6 years in a minute..and haven't any scare even so

If i whip birth control will I not own a length anymore?

For Some People Yes And Some No. Everyone Is Differant.

Does going stale birth control exact consignment gain?

The pill will definately assist near your term! That's the great article, and it will clear up any acne you may own. But nearby are side affects; I gain seriously of wet shipment, it be harder to lose the solidity, i have seriously of dry skin and rosiness on my facade, street lamp spots... it only just artificial me within a different approach. As for pregnancy, I didnt grasp pregnant on the pill but i still used other forms of protection. However, I do know 4 ppl who get pregnant on the pill, my mom, my aunt, and 2 friends from dignified conservatory.

Why wont I stop bleeding?

Have you discussed these things beside your doctor? This is something I can't stress more.

The pill is resembling 99.99999% effectual. There is other a indiscriminate but is a bit slim. I use the pill myself (I am elder though) because it also help beside my time, and I enjoy doctor's approval for it due to my age.

Again, speak near your doctor. Explain what your problem is, and she (or he) can provide you near some guidance and a prescription.

Serious answers with the sole purpose. How do i find my clitoris?

if you lug the pill every year at the exact same time and not miss a single one the pill is 99% successful against pregnancy. I be on both the lo dose and the giant dose and both help the cramping equally capably. I myself like the b/c patch better than the pill though because it be a once a week article to remember instead of an every time item and it worked for the cramps too. Tobe sure to avoid pregnancy use a second form of b/c purely to be undamaging close to condoms or foam or show.

Self-esteem boosters?

Well the just entity i.e. going to prevent pregnancy 100% is not have sex! You run that risk near every form of birth control out here. I enjoy be on the pill for abundant years - I originally started it for cramps. It worked wonders for me. But when I hold sex, I still use condoms - I want that extra protection. Talk to your gynocolgist going on for the right pill for you.

When I'm not on my length, I hold this sticky black blood for 3-4 days almost every month?

The pill is 99% decisive when used correctly.

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