Can i get pregnant from having anel sex?


Ugg, so embarresing!?

not if your masculine!

Does P.M.S mentally breed a woman disabled?

No, the singular passageway that would be possible is if semen leak into your vagina.

I thought i have started my spell but it solitary last for something like 10 minutes. is this run of the mill for a first term?

NO !!!unless u hold a anovaginal fistula( little chance)!!!

How do I report to my fiance of 5 years that I enjoy be fake it this complete time?

nope not as long as you dont touch your but and after stuff yourself

Tampons or pad??

No you can not bring pregnant from have anal sex. When you enjoy vaginal sex, the sperm travels up your vagina and through a small initial at the top of your vagina call your cervix. From nearby it travels through an organ call your uterus (if you be to receive pregnant to be precise where on earth the tot would grow). Two tubes call fallopian tubes are attached to the top of your uterus, and so the sperm keep hold of swimming up into the tube. The tubes are character of resembling the tubes of a vaccuum. They verbs a fresh egg from your ovaries one time a month. The sperm come upon your egg within the fallopian tube and this is call fertilization. If the fertilized egg travels spinal column down into your uterus and attaches, you seize pregnant. The sperm cant find to your fallopian tube through your anus.

Pain and slight flush around nipple?

This is exactly why parents should not ask for their children to sit within another room when sex ed is self skilled!!

The morning after pill..?

Only if semen leak out of the anus afterwards, and trickles down to the vagina.

Is is outlandish for childlike women to get hold of kidney stones?

No silly.....solitary vaginal sex will impregnante you.

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