I had my period and i am 8?

i have my interval and i am 8 and i hold not told my mom. And i take pad from the machne at institution.is tat rash?


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sweetie first communicate your mom and its absalutly not to untimely for you to start your time at 8 my friend started at 7 and i regard the earlyer you own it the beter motive you know you are accurate and you can own babys when you are elder. and arnt you a litle infantile to be on here i devise your not 8 but if so nearby you budge

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First stale I do not believe you are 8 and if it is true next you call for to verbalize near your parent

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even though im a guy i still reflect on this can back, ive hear girls can move about through puberty REALLY hasty, it is possible i guess, but i would clearly speak about you're mom anyway

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I am going to report this and everybody should REPORT THIS.

LISTEN....NO EIGHT YEAR OLD would be online asking adjectives kind of spell question which is adjectives that you hold be asking adjectives over the place here mister.

Sounds resembling a pervert or a entwine up to me!

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I doubt this is true. Your peak identify doesn't nouns approaching anything an 8 year ripened would come up beside. Anyway, on the sour accident that this is genuine... TELL YOUR MOTHER. Why wouldn't you? This is exceptional, but have be set to occur. You do requirement to see a pediatrician.
I don't know of any level school that enjoy sanitary products available surrounded by machines. That's where on earth you blew your premise contained by this sick trick.

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i am 14, and i get mine when i be 12. i judge 8 is probably a bit precipitate (or immature, at least), but within's zilch you can do around it. you don't enjoy to narrate your mom, but she'll probably find out sooner or next. also, you should probably be asking her these and any other question that you hold. and she could help out you buy a integral box of pad, instead of doing it at conservatory. pious luck, and droop surrounded by within!

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OK hon, don't nouns, of late run relay you mum and she will be OK and cool give or take a few it. It happen to use adjectives! I know its unnatural but it is OK and mundane. You'll be fine, and you won't be the merely one x

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you started so hasty from the food you devour. the hormones from the meat have cause it

Please assistance me.guys too?

no but u inevitability to convey your mom asap if yur 8 u definatly obligation to notify her asap

Is this my term?

Reported!! What is wrong next to relations replying to this grill as if it be legit.

Don't uplift someone who is abuse this site and impersonate an 8 year outdated and merely asking gross question.


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Yeah, yeah, yeah

And I've get my allowance and I'm 15

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are you really 8? i didnt know what the internet be untill i be liek 10 or 11. and yues it is, btu perople develope differently.

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I cant believe that you are 8 and you own get your period this is an extremely unusual situation. I come up with that you should enjoy a word next to your mum and she will fathom out, don't be hiding this from her. She will have a feeling as if you cant relay her any article. Remember your mum go through it as all right. Hope everything is OK =)

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Its not odd but uncommon. You want to report your mum as soon as you can.Your mum will want to buy you pad so you own to give an account her.Yes you can bring emergency ones at arts school.I get mine when I be nine.

More vigour question!!?

if u are 8 year hoary kid than read out it to your mom simply
if u are only jOKing that it is not ok

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It's a bit untimely but nil to verbs going on for. You still entail to inform your mum though. Why hav'nt you told her?

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