Why have I been bleeding 'down there' for 2-3 weeks?

Being in university, I am really stressed, but this isn't regular as my spell usually is regular (although, for days gone by few months it have be acting reasonably irregular i.e. coming precipitate, coming late). However, the this long, extended, -unwanted- length is markedly night light, and I grain fine otherwise. I am also not sexually involved.

I realize I should see a doctor, which I will, but I of late want to know what could it possibly be?

Any Medical Staff out at hand, facilitate near my Birth Control Pill?

It sounds resembling your hormones are out of whack.
Your doctor will probably make a contribution you a few hormone pills to give support to the bleeding stop.
Sometimes the birth control pill can hang on to your period typical and desk light. You don't own to be ashamed to use them. Just because you run the pill doesn't be going to you hold to enjoy sex.
My 19 year antiquated daughter have to rob them because she be doing what you describe.
Go bring back some aid, you'll touch much better and will know how to stop bleeding.
Good luck!

is this the best route to lose shipment?

Well, you said you are really stressed, so this could probally be why your time is remaining so long. I have mine for 3 weeks since. This is probally what is up. If it doesn't stop soon, afterwards you should make your doctor. goodluck.

severe PMT?

i would see a doc if i be you but you will probably find it is freshly stress. but dance anyway might be serious

What could this be?

Don't verbs. This happen to me.

It is really annoying, and i bet you know how it feel, but if this go for another week, see a doctor.

Why am I not getting peroids?

it could be alot of things. Stress is probably the most comprehensible motivation. You should definately see a doctor though. You could possibly enjoy Polucyctic Ovarian Syndrom (PCOS) or a few other dianoses. Make sure when you stir to the doctor you specify adjectives the symptoms your have. Extreme stress, lathargic, trouble sleeping. Untill you turn to a doctor however its single guess work.

I could use some warning?

It is probably in recent times stress, but you still necessitate to dance see a doctor.

When I be contained by junior dignified I bleed terrifically heavily for three weeks straight and go to the doctor and found out I have ovarian cysts on both of my ovaries cause the excessive bleeding.

When it comes to something resembling this it is firm to guess the incentive of it. It's other safest to shift to the doctor.

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