Night Terrors?

Has anyone ever suffered from dark terror. Mine usually rouse me up and I leap out of bed and run. I own darkness lights everywhere contained by my house so I don't run into anything.

I be severely abused as a child and be also wondering if this is a nice of post traumatic syndrome - gratitude - Jodi

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Yes, this is a post-tramatic stress disorder.

Night terror come from sexual mishandle and they are alarming; so natural and lifelike.

I'm really sorry around what you go through.

much love.
Mir Sixx.

why boys!!!!!!!!!?

I've never thought of that as a drive to have hours of darkness terror...possibly thats what cause mine as capably. Yes I enjoy darkness terror, and I want to cry but I cant, I want to shout but i cant, I want to sit up, shake my body elevate up BREATHE--but I cant! I can`t bear them so much.

Is at hand a route to relieve darkness terror and sleep apnea...effect mine step paw contained by paw

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I've be fortunate satisfactory that I never suffered from dark terror, but own have one woman friend who did suffer from them. She be a sexual assault survivor who thought she could "tough it out" and promise near what happen to her mostly by herself.

A couple of years next, the darkness terror begin, and she said she feel totally helpless and certainly unnerved (surprise, surprise, merely as during her assault). Several of us pleaded near her to consider counseling through a local rape crisis clinic, and she finally approved to jump. As a result, she realize she be suffering PTSD, and worked though closely of counseling to run rear legs control of her energy. The hours of darkness terror go away. She still have occasional fruitless dreams/nightmares, but amazingly infrequently and not nearly to the extent as her terror. Good luck, and peace be

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