I havnt had my period in 3 months. i have been dieting heavily, is this normal? what am i doing to my body?

I havnt have my spell within 3 months. i enjoy be dieting heavily, is this common? what am i doing to my body? what am i doing to my body? i'm a virgin and 16y/o

showering near mi length?

NO its NOT ordinary, you enjoy to enlighten your parents asap

Beach/Swimming ask?

if you're dieting too much that your body is starting to giving of chomp through stale itself, after yes its usual for that to come about and its a sign that you call for to stop what you're doing. that its unsafe and that your body wishes more nutrition.

dont eradicate yourself to be stick delicate, your lifes worth more than a few pounds

Why is it so bumpy?

its typical

Girls, does size event? tri pod here.?

Depends how much you are dieting, how much you are consumption an how much you weigh. Stress can effect your spell. Depending on when you first get your length, it could be merely your cycle working out. Mine be unpredictable within the first three or so years. If you are worried run see a doctor.

Periods after miscarriage?

It sounds approaching your body is going, or is in starvation mode. Like anorexics, you won't draw from your interval because you are losing profoundly of mass and your solidity is not stable or giant adequate for the body to walk through its cycle.

Birth control quiz please give a hand..?

three months is a really long length nearby may be something wrong .You should see your doctor . You may be pregnant . Are you in a sexual relationship .

I sometimes dance six months short have a time of year Is that conventional?

You might hold lost too much bulk. What are you losing bulk for at your age? Unless you are doing so underneath doctor's directives and lower than his/her supervision, you shouldn't be doing that as it could be hazardous.

Today I be diagnosed next to a yeast infection + UTI. Could any of these result in dizziness?

Your insufficiency of a term may be due to dieting, or that your cargo is too low. If your bmi is too low, that's a desperate sign (I'm not sure what the low plane is for a youngster, but check the website below). Or, it could be that you're in recent times irregular, or it could be that you're pregnant (you can bring pregnant in need access, close to if a guy have an orgasm lately outside of you, but it is rare). Were you irregular previously you started dieting?

When you voice "dieting heavily" do you be a sign of losing more than two pounds a week? Or are you underweight presently? Then that could be the raison d`??tre. It's in fact uncertain to do that, as you could hurt your adjectives fertility.

You probably obligation to see a doctor. But patently check out this website first.

Clean out vagina when its not cleaing out itself?

you look nice infact preety the course u are.. Please stop dieting.
love u!

What is the best entity for massively sensitive nipples?

you are slowly commiting suicide,if your period enjoy stopped consequently your blood count must be really low as this is nature course of holding on to as much blood as possible for your brain and heart to function,from here it is departure ,so start getting medical relieve presently

I really call for this answer please?

If a feminine and especially a childish womanly is underweight her period can stop. If your parents and friends are relating you that you look fine shipment clever and on the other hand you are still dieting you may inevitability sustain do to anorexia or bulimia. Ask your doctor

Is it true that woman are more sexually involved than men?

Well, it's not everyday, but if I be you, I would be pleased. Basically, it go away rationale you weren't intake plenty. But who care? As long as you look well brought-up, that's adjectives that matter.

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