Body odor?

This is considerate of embarassing to enunciate [lol] but I cogitate I stink! There I said it. I put on deoderant but whenever I lift up my mitt and my underarm is exposed I mull over I smell!! It's not even similar to I sweat! Its only nearby. It SUCKS! What can I do?


hold a shower more afterwards one a week

Long period and depo?

shower day by day or twice a sunshine

How big is to big?

check your diet. What are you ingestion?

Also, it could be your laundry detergent. It may hold a funny interaction beside your body chemistry that make a bleak smell.

Also, some textile, when it get stinky in the pit nouns, never comes verbs. After you wipe your shirts, moisturize the pit nouns and consequently sniff. If you smell B.O., ditch the shirt.

Finally, if you're a teen, it might be hormones. There's not much you can do almost it except try using a deoderant soap. OH, and engender sure you are using a deoderant/antiperspirant. Not merely an antiperspirant. That won't aid the stink. It should be a deoderant.
Relax, you'll grow out of it eventually.

girlz plz!!?

wear stronger deoderant

Birth control sound out I skipped a pill?

try bathing

Why does my stomach hurt the following morning after sex.?

The more hose down you drink the smaller number you smell. You can aslo try a different roll on approaching female's speed stick or hush-hush and place perfume right below ur arm. also after you shower put some amens powder on your chest.

My girlfriend is taking birth control pills to regulate her interval. Are here better option? Is it secure?

well u can use other things close to little one powder, vinegar and perchance baking soda will support cuz i kno baking soda blocks odors....if u are using gel deodorants don't use them cuz they may not be doin the walk briskly resembling solid kind.

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