My bf and i tried to get pregnant for 4 years and nothing what could be wrong with me?

my time have be irregular since my teen years. I haven't have a interval since finishing year . HERE are some of my missed period . February,March ,May,June,November, December 2006 also i enjoy not have one within January and February of this year. SO can you please oblige donate some design !

Progesterone single pill and breast pain and swelling?

Yes, I enjoy ONE, consult your OB/GYN. These pregnancy question really bring to me. I'm a midwife, and at hand's NO means of access I can possibly guess what's going on. You involve to see your Doc. Good luck ~~~~~

Somebody helpi wud really appreciate?

Your not married.

HELP! i cogitate i hold a UTI.?

It would be better to ask a doctor this, such irregular period are not a assist when you are trying to conceive. Get them sorted out and you will stand a much better opening.

How much should I weigh?

Go see a Dr. I would say aloud if you are missing that heaps period you hold a hormonal inequality. Only a Dr can impart you the answers you are looking for.

Please sustain me infer these symptoms?? Concerned and confused?

Only a fertility specialist can answer this grill, and simply after running medical test. The problem may not even be beside you, it may be next to your boyfriend. But the test will hastily and usually accurately determine the problem. Plus, even if you could somehow magically guess what's wrong, you couldn't possibly "solve" the "problem" lacking a specialist's help out.

Pregnant Pregnancy?

Try getting a more stable vivacity by anyone married.

Sometimes your subconscious know that wide down you do not surface that your bf will other be next to you.

If you enjoy be together for 4 yrs, why not of late achieve married? In a sense, you already are except that existence long commitment isn't within.

What should I use for birth control? I'm thinking in the region of IUD.?

Your best road to find out would be to run see an OBGYN. The possibilities of what could be "wrong" are may not even be you, he could enjoy a low sperm count or something.

Can you ovulate on the pill?

You could enjoy a condition call PCO (Polycycstic Ovaries) within which your extent would be irregular, difficulty conceiving, and a few others.

Google it and afterwards speak to a fertility specialist.

what is the best style to douche within the tub or on the toilet?

if you are missing period resembling that you are probably not ovulating. at hand are medication that you can attain from a doctor to abet you to ovulate.

Virginty!! Confusion?

if your underweight it can create you to enjoy fertility problems, so get through tough and cart vitamins.

HELP! im going 2 the movies tomorrow hours of darkness but i hold 2 run my pill in good time what should i do?

You entail to step see your gyno and acquire things straghtened out. Your hormones are adjectives of match,thus no pregnancy. I'm surprised you would budge this long in need doctor intervention.

What is in my vagina?

Sounds approaching you obligation to jump see a woman doctor. It could also be that your bf is not fertile. Good luck, hon

How regularly does birth control go wrong?

You requirement to see a doctor. You may also be stressing almost roughly not man pregnant that it is taking a toll on your body.

Am I flabby?I'm 13, 14 surrounded by 2 wks, 5ft4 and weigh 8stone, (112 pounds). is this flab?

Two separate question here.

First, don't only assume that something is wrong beside YOU. There are two of you trying to baby-make. Maybe your boyfriend's little swimmers are freshly type of treading hose down.

Either process, you should BOTH budge see a doctor.

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at hand are yoga positions for a regular period
within the ayurvedic pills here are frequent herb who can assist you but you inevitability to determine what constitution you are and what brand of problem (vata,pitta or kapha) you own.
Go see an ayurvedic doctor
or try
for gaping and permanent inner change

perfect luck my friends

waxing down in that?

I other have irregular extent and it took hubby and me over 3 years to grasp pregnant. I blame quantity of that on my thyroid. It could be something as simple as taking a pill everyday to straighten out your level, or unsurprisingly something totally different. You should consult your doctor though, really.

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Let's see, what could be wrong next to you? How almost you are not married? The worst point you could do is bring an innocent existence into this world short the plus of mortal raise by commited parents---you know a physical mom and dad. A boyfreind is
not a husband and you are not a wife. There is nil to maintain your "boyfriend" around to support you and your child- remember the kid come from you and as unreasonable as that may give the impression of being in need the commitment of conjugal you hold no protection which is bleak for your child. Tell your sperm donor that if he loves you satisfactory to hold a child near you he should love you satisfactory to commit to marry you and one and the same for you if he balks you've get the wrong guy to be reproducing beside. Sorry, but astute up.

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