What's wrong with me?

Before very soon the final extent I have be on October 18th. I be confirmed by my gyno that I be not pregnant. Finally on January 1st I be visit by my FRIEND. I hold have my friend for 15 days and counting. Now I used to be on Yasmin birthcontrol for close to 2 years but I quit taking that in July. I merely want to know what might be going on. I don't enjoy insurance and the final stop by to the gyno costed similar to $200. Some society voice it may be a tubal preg. but I enjoy merely have a few days beside especially mild cramps. Also this is not regular for me at adjectives. Before I started bc my friend visit be as predictable as they be beside the bc. Please minister to!

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You obligation to see an Gyn. 15 days for your extent? This is not something that can be diagnosed beside any finality, online. You inevitability to see your Gynecologist. Good luck.

Can i wear a tampon to bed?

just dance to the doctors and they shouid make available you a blood question paper

what is this?

It could only be your body getting bad track big time by not taking the pills anymore. Go to a clinic, it shouldn't cost as much. If not, I don`t know it will even itself out

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it might be making up for not have your term for so long

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If your current doctor is not helping to find answers it's time to find a unsullied doctor! You know your body better than anyone else. Ask your friends and close relatives for recommendation of moral GYN doctors within your nouns or beckon your insurance haulier.

What is the average hospital stay for a hysterectomy?

get another Dr feelings I don`t know what your experiencing is the after effect of coming stale the birth control.every side effects the Dr's don't no when you dance fund to the Dr and take a sonogram done

Is at hand a difference between rent and for lease?

Visit your Doctor. He is the one who can answer your question.

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It could be abundantly of things approaching within my casing and lack of correspondence surrounded by your thyroid gland. The method you find out is by getting a few question paper for the thyroid which a accurate endocrinologist will be competent do diagnose. Usually if this is the overnight case, the endocrinologist will provide you a prescription for this condition so it level the discrepancy contained by your body. I am sorry to articulate that this surrounded by not a cheap treatment but it is a go or demise situation on the long run if it go untreated. Other symptoms could be devolution surrounded by your quill structure, change within your skin, insomnia, shipment gain or shipment loss,malingering of time or within the other paw interval for plentifully of days, spotting between period, elevated blood pressure, diabetes, etc. Good luck sweetie.

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Your sound out be a bit confusing for me, but I'll try to answer it as best as I can .Your cycle newly get a bit sour b/c of giong sour the birthcontrol. It can't be a tubal pregnancy b/c your obgyn confirmed that you weren't pregnant. The common sense you're bleeing for so long is b/c you hadn't had your extent within so long.....kidn of resembling when pregnant women don't return with their extent for 9 monhts, consequently it adjectives comes out at once and they can enjoy their period for weeks or even months. That's a bit different..it's not a standard spell, but more give or take a few adjectives the blood contained by the uterus during gestation. But getting wager on to you, I don't see any object for you to verbs. You seem to enjoy a regular cycle (which scheme you're healthy), later you go on, consequently bad bc. That will other thieve your body a while to adjust to a hot cycle. That's the best I can do considering I don't know how hoary you are.why you go on the pill surrounded by the first place, why you after stopped and if you're sexually busy (sounds approaching you are). The answers to those question might also claify things more. But adjectives contained by adjectives, I don't suggest this sounds unusual. And near's plausible zilch wrong beside you. One later entity, if you're a student, you can other run to the university nurse or your university's robustness center...as part of the pack of your tuition, you are entitled to see a doctor for a minimal allowance, if any. There's also a place call Planned Parenthood. It's not newly going on for birth control or couples who want to attain pregnant; they provide any loving of gyno wishes you own. They hold apt doctors who can comfort you out. I believe they are free, or conceivably they ask for a donation or something. Good luck.

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