Breast pain?
possibly u r pregnat
Underarm unwary after shaving?
YOUR PREGNANT!were you working out?
Why is my body so tired when I stop working out?
Yes something could be wrong, see a doctor right away, I'm a nurse.good to get through while yeast infection?
You could enjoy be sleeping on them which would bring in them sore or you could be pregnant!Why would any ponder her body wishes a break from birth control pills?
HI,Have you checked your lymph glands for swelling, in your armpits, chest nouns. Have hormone level checked, could you be pregnant? You should see your doctor. Have you have a pap smear & mammogram lately?
Hope you find your answer.
Nurse Suzy
your any pregnant or enjoy hormonal breast discomfort do a pregnancy examination if u presume u might be pregnant except consequently see a doctor and get sure u examine them every month after a time of year
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