Can you get sick from swallowing?

I don't kow how to ask this lacking violate Yahoo rules, so please contact me if you know what I am conversation more or less, thnx

Female ejaculate.. Blood?

No, not at adjectives. Sperm in actuality have some righteous nutrients surrounded by it.

However, you can still achieve STDs from have oral sex (whether you swallow or not).

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I would envision you would capture sick to your stomach if you swallow abundantly of it... resembling if you're a h00ker or something.....

Girls Only Help!?

No. Wanna try again?

If you dream up this is unusual than dont reply!?

Yes, you can find sick from it. Just resembling anything else you put into your body - your body can enjoy a bleak counterattack to it.
If you seize sick- don't swallow anymore.

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I'm pretty sure I know exactly what you be determined. And the answer is across the world, no. There is no substance within... what you're asking in the order of that will get a commonplace human self under the weather by swallowing it.

The exception is that you CAN contract STDs by swallowing, IF you hold get underway sores surrounded by your mouth and your partner is infected. So in that sense it's not entirely undisruptive. However, near is no risk of pregnancy as long as everything is swallowed.

The content of... what you're asking around is mostly marine, beside a small amount of glucose, a few hormones, and a markedly small fraction of gene. I believe I've read that the calorie content of the average, er, portion is below 100 calories, so it have a smallest effect on your total caloric intake (assuming that you're not, um, consuming so frequent portions that the calories join up to a significant portion of the average 2,000 calorie day by day diet. And if you ARE, someone somewhere is a totally, awfully lucky man.)

So while nearby are folks who are made sick at the THOUGHT of swallowing, that's an attitude and not a physical all your own of... what you're asking roughly. The substance itself is immaculately undamaging for human consumption, and within certainty the consumption of it is something to be precise much appreciated by the, er, producer.

If you own any other, more specific question, please don't inhibit to ask. And... bon appetit. :-)

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it depends on what you are swallowing...if you miserable your b/f"s c-m after as long as he is tough consequently be in motion for it...just about any calories and made up of mostly proteins...might bite for a while strange but adjectives guys don't predilection might gag if he holds your person in charge so net sure he doesnt do that and if its to much to swallow at one time consent to some ooze out of your mouth and you should be fine

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