Can a girl get pregnant if she had her period two days later after having sex without any birthcontrol?


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A woman can lone procure pregnant when she is ovulating. Usually ovulation occur contained by most women around daylight 14 of a run of the mill 28 year cycle. But since most women dont own majority cycles the days may swing, also sperm can live up to 5 days. So if you want to be risk-free dont enjoy sex for atleast a week and a partially after she have her term and ALWAYS use a condom. You should be more worried almost getting an STD. And I HIGHLY doubt shes pregnant if she started her term two days subsequently, because 1)shes not ovulating 2) the blood have most plausible pushed the sperm out hence they cannot be living inside of her long ample to possibly make her ovulation date.

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Not going to lounge to you, but a woman can bring pregnant at any time during the month. There are days where on earth it is smaller number feasible that it'll ensue, but it can ensue anytime.

Wrap it up. Next time, everytime. It's your best bet.

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A feminine can acquire pregnant anytime she have sex. Period. No pun intended.

I have a friend that be pregnant but didn't realize until she be just about 6 mos along because she continued to enjoy her interval. Rare but it can ensue. So only other assume that anytime a womanly have sex getting pregnant is a possibility. IF she wishes to be sure t not take pregnant after do the plain....don't hold sex.

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