Is it common for periods to be irregular after childbirth, or are they usually regular once they do come?
Girls just please and thank you!!?
I started my extent roughly 6 months after distribution - the first one be regular... after I get spinal column on birth control and they go adjectives out of whack so I get sour of them again and my end extent be regular.
If you are breast feed later your period will not be usual until after you stop. Most woman dont even hold their period while breast feed.
Has anyone ever used Hydroxycut?
breast feed affects the cycle... till abt an year after birth they will be irregular..I would confer to you OBGYN or basically call upon the DR's nurse. But I am sure that nursing have something to do near it
if i ejaculate contained by my girlfriend while she is on her length can she still achieve pregnant?
It can cart a long time for period to return to majority if you are breastfeeding. Please take home sure you are protecting yourself against unwanted pregnacy! Breastfeeding does not guarantee protection against took me 4 month after i stopped breastfeeding to capture my length to conventional cycle