What are periods of girls and pads i.e.whisper etc ?


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A woman's time of year is her menstrual cycle, the run out of which is commonly know as a "term." The interval as it is commonly referred to is when the unfertilized egg and inner pool liner of the uterus is sluffed away through the vagina (menstrual flow.) This is commonly accompany by bleeding and sometimes cramping of the uteran muscles as the inner bin liner is shed stale. However, if the egg specifically released from the ovary approximately 14 days prior to the time of year is fertilized and successfully implant itself into the uteran wall the woman is pregnant and will not experience and period for almost 10 calender months (9 lunar months.)

A wad is an spongy cloth-like daily i.e. worn surrounded by the woman's panties as a sanitary funds of catching the menstrual flow. Tampons are another system of catching the flow, but are inserted into the vagina.

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well period are something that agree to the girl know if she is pregnant or not; and it is the draining of the out-of-date egg to spawn another one because the infirm one is not fertile any more of late look at a strength book that works too!

pad are what detain the time of year so it doesn't step through the pants/skrit/shorts!

but i use stay free ultra thins/ i used to use other ulrt thins

angelic luck!! but period are clearly run of the mill for a girl!

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Hard time? I necessitate serious answers next to no rude comments?

Wow i though it be some indian girl askin but didnt know it be a guy

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