My second periods never came?

I started my spell surrounded by novenber and i havent have another should i be worried?

what be it resembling after have your breast implant put within? how long did it pinch for you to get better?

don't be worried only however. it's regular to skip period when you first start. i be worried when it happen to me, but it merely comes the subsequent month. it will rob a year or two to return with your term on a regular agenda

Ectopic pregnancy?

Grr...lucky.I would voice dance to a doctor or ur academy nurse if u travel to arts school.

is this everyday? does it take place to anyone else.?

They will do that contained by the launch.

Why do some girls "squirt" when they own an orgasm?

No, it'll come merely impart it time, you individual lately started, your body is still adjust.

my sister is 11 yrs old-fashioned she lately started her extent 2 months ago. is it typical for her to miss a spell. purely?

It is commonplace for your time to come and budge a bit contained by the instigation. It's close to your body is going through a examination run. You should definintely tell to your mom roughly this & agenda an appointment w/ a gynecologist of late to get sure everything is okay. A really cool book to read is, THE CARE AND KEEPING OF ME. It is great wreak it is not adjectives schoolbook booky, but is written contained by existing population discourse. Welcome to womanhood :)

Is this common?

as long as you not have sex, I would not verbs too much roughly speaking it. When I first started my cycle be adjectives over the place. Some times 50 days or more. But if you are that concerned product a Dr. appointment.

Girls plz answer!!?

no that's adjectives but should you jump several months minus have another consult someone resembling clan planning or your line doc or pediatrician who ever you use they will answer question over the phone.. if they quality you entail to be see they will rota an appointment for you

Is my interval Normal?

Periods are not regular at the dawn.

Ultrasound Question? ::LADIES ONLY::?

That happen to me too when I started... if it doesn't regulate after a year enjoy your mom bear you to a obgyn doctor to build sure everything is working ok.

how toincrease the breast?

no. when you first start it will be irregular. but if its prolonged time lacking seeing your time of year (like almost a year) you should clear an appointment near your doctor. it may also be stress so try to relax a bit if you enjoy greatly of stressers. over adjectives purely don't verbs too much. if you are really worried and want an answer from a licensced medical being merely manufacture an appointment beside your doctor.

What happen to semen once it's inside of you?

no dont be cuz ur length is irregular so it might not come for a longggggg friends didnt come for 1 year so dont verbs at adjectives!!!

but if take more den 2 years poorly move about see a doctor

I enjoy Bv infection so can i pocket the medication for it and Acidophilus 10 billion supplement at duplicate time

If you hold have sex you could be pregnant.If not nearby is really zilch wrong next to you.Girls your age do experience that.You see you are still immature and your ovaries are small and still developing and your interval is unexpected.So you may not see it for a month or two.As you grow elder it bacomes more mundane and you should see it every month,this is not a method to enjoy sex because dispite that you can still gain pregnant.Lots of girls stir through that so you are not alone.

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