What should we do?

there is this one mentor within my academy and he is so f*'n perverted and he smacked my friends butt and looks down girls shirts and touches his nutts and pinapple during class. my friend transfered classes and later 2 other of my friends own transfered school.the college is nt doin anything roughly it he have have indistinguishable perverted cross for over 10 years! the principle know but hasnt done anything something like it wat do we do?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

what should we do??

Is it ok to swim next to a wipe?

when he comes in the vicinity freshly try and do anything to preserve him from seeing what u know he requests to see. Try to reach a deal to a womanly worker at your academy (make sure she isn't friends w/ him) and try and own her do something. Good Luck

What could be the idea for brownish spotting next to no blood?

tell your mom/ dad

What is this shape?

Tell your parents.

Will this be ample?

take it to the superintendint or however you spell it. enlighten your parents. they will probably do something.

So which one should i wear?

if the princiaple isnt doing anything roughly speaking it later the priceable is within on the sick movement and can lose his or her opening as powerfully move about to the board of directors look contained by the sickly page contained by your college district and own everyone who have witnessed this unapropriate dealing write a communication or give the name and dont stop until somthing happen that is to say so not ok, god bless you and i hope you catch a swift criticism if you have need of anymore oblige or concept email me!

Has anyone ever asked?

That is very bad!!!! If the principle is not doing anything roughly speaking it you have need of to telephone call the radio, or jump to the School district. Write an anonymous reminder clich?? that if they don't do anything subsequent week you will phone call the radio station. They'll conduct yourself without delay to hold on to the university reputation.

Girls solely ! What module of the month do you own your term? initiation , middle or stop?

well if he get in the neighbourhood you den only just see him surrounded by the nutts, and travel relay your parents so they can let somebody know the police mete out thats against the statute, I ha a trainer who touched my chest once when i be 11, and i go and told the princible right away. next my mom have to see the princible and next he lost his opening.

I am 22 but my period hold still not started! hELP! is it because I might be a MAN?

Sounds approaching it's time for some parents to pop in the pricipal and fashion spot on that he/she take this problem seriously. Several students who hold have problems next to this guru call for to bring their parents in on the problem and arrange a discussion beside the principal, who won't know how to forget about a group of irate parents if he/she requirements to stay employed. If that doesn't work, the subsequent stop is the conservatory board.

My Period or no?

one of the substitute teacher at the elementary here university is approaching that the principle know roughly speaking it and wont do anything........i told my aunt and on days that know i would be have him she made me stay home........describe your parents and any try 2 procure them 2 tolerate you verbs 2 a different class close to your friend or try 2 grasp them 2 consent to you verbs 2 the academy one of your friend's transferred 2.........im sure if they know going on for it they wont stop you from doing at least possible 1 of those

what is happing?

Tell your parents and step to the police. If the principal know and isn't doing anything he/she is simply as desperate as this coach. I know it's thorny to chitchat to your parents going on for stuff close to this, I've be at hand, but know that they are nearby for YOU!!

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