Thanks to all for yesterday's response. It helped alot. ? i did a really dumb thing before I broke off with bf

tonite I lift my leg and kicked the wall really tricky 3xs. My right side hurts I feel a convulsion. I am the one near bf drinks alot. I broke up near him tonite. Anyway, I am 5weeks. I wasn't thinking at adjectives. Crying can't see. Does anyone know did I hurt embryo?

Bleeding after <br />

it perchance intricate to read aloud...but if surrounded by doubt move about see your doctor

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It's possible, if you start bleeding you will necessitate to see your doctor right away.

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to be on the out of danger side...stir see the doctor asp

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You probably pulled a muscle in your side. All this sentiment you are going through will disfavour your can also end in a miscarriage. Please find a friend or familial partaker to stay beside who will support you...and conceivably find a counsellor who can abet you through this rough time. You MUST cool, calm and collected down or you will lose the infant!

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They are protected pretty ably but if you are really hurt dance see a doctor. You should grasp checked any opening.

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Hey, call upon a friend to come over. You want some moral support right in a minute. Also, I didn't see your give somebody the third degree yesterday, but I'm caring that you broke up next to a boyfriend that drinks. You did the right point, and very soon, please sort sure that you don't drink for the tot's sake. Also, nick consideration of yourself ... if you touch close to something may be wrong, form a doctor appt. If it's too expensive, later travel to the county vigour place. I decision you luck!

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