Can your breasts leak milk after having an abortion?


Can pregnancy affect (impair) perception?

yes as your body is still react as if you are still pregnant and lactating

Is this regular?

dunno never have an abortion and to be honest never would adoption if i couldn't cope so i dunno

I stipulation a bc pill that help beside skin and will not cart away my sex drive!?

Oh yes! i have this problem when i have a miscarriage and it be exceptionally upsetting for me because my body thought i have a little one to nurture

What does it suggest?

If you be 9 or more weeks along surrounded by the pregnancy, it is possible that you may own trouble beside milk, or a milky fluid leak from your breasts after the abortion. The further along you be, the highly developed the accidental of have your 'milk come within'. This can be upsetting, but it won't final for long. It's a common effect of the hormones that your body releases when you are no longer pregnant. These hormones manufacture your body start to produce milk, whenever a pregnancy is terminated. Your breasts may discern sore, tight, swollen, and will discharge out droplets of clear to whitish fluid. At times the milk may 'disillusion', and a substantial amount of solution may come out. To help out near this stage, wear a well-fitting/snug bra, and try avoid stimulation of your breasts or nipples. Wear the bra 24 hours a afternoon until your milk dries up. It can appropriate one to four weeks for the milk to dry up. It will not be as sensitive as it originally feel when the milk first comes contained by - as the milk is not 'used' the pressure on the milk ducts will inflict the milk to 'dry up'. Keep wearing that snug-fitting bra, and transport tylenol for the soreness, and this will subside. If you develop a restlessness, or extreme discomfort surrounded by any of your breasts, consult a doctor - in that is also a condition where on earth your milk glands can procure infected, and this will stipulation to be treated beside antibiotics. (This is a special complication).

can I find some back from a woman??

Yes. Your body releases hormones after a pregnancy is over, regardless of HOW it concluded. They will dry up on their own soon.

Did i grasp my first time of year?

i've never hear of this. breasts do not start producing actual milk until similar to 2 days after your infant is born. i dont suggest it would ensue if a pregnancy didnt turn full-term. i guess anything is possible though. i know that some women can produce milk when they own an discrepancy surrounded by within hormone level, so conceivably.

My time of year is strange, can anyone relate?

Yes, logically. Your body know that your infant have not here your body and is trying to provide provisions for him or her.

If you hold abort a child, I recommend the free online post-abortion program available here:

Anyone who is considering an abortion should call in as soon as possible.

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