
i'm 13 and not sexually influential, when do i move about and see the gyn, my mum hasn't mentioned it on the other hand but i know in the order of it so i am newly wondering what is the age that you move about to see them?

What can explanation a woman to miss her time of year by several days or more than a week?

You don't have need of to see a specialist (GYN). When you are physically developed ample to warrant a pelvic exam, Pap smear, etc. your ethnic group doctor will inform you and do those examinations and test.

I hope your mom is arranging for you to own a physical nouns beside your household doctor every year. At your subsequent physical, ask your doctor how soon he/she think you obligation a pelvic exam.

If you enjoy unusual reproductive symptoms (like extreme menstrual misery, exceedingly sturdy peroids, irregular period, or you've not gotten any period and you believe you should have) afterwards you might refer yourself directly to a GYN. But it is still OK to start near your own flesh and blood doctor.

Birth control?

usually once you become sexually moving you after start to enjoy pap smear test done or you may enjoy to see them if you enjoy irregular or substantial period, don't verbs i doubt you'll see one for fairly while nonetheless and even when you do its nought to verbs more or less

Do birth control pills bequeath you spider and varicose vein on your legs?

It have nil to do near anyone sexually alive. If you enjoy started your menstrual time, you inevitability an exam pretty soon. They receive sure everything is in good health and developing properly, as in good health as check for cancer or infections. Not adjectives infections or problems that develop down within are sex related any.

My gynecologist suggests girls budge inside the first 2 years of starting their menstrual period. It is humiliated and can be shameful, but you entail those check-ups alike as from your other doctors.

Your mom may not know how to bring it up, or she may not realize that you are growing up so speedily. You should sermon to her almost it. She could ask her doctor when she should fashion you an appointment. She can also answer profoundly of your question. I know it's not natural to have a word to your mom just about these things, but she is a woman too and go through one and the same things you are going through immediately.

how long it pocket for a girl to carry pregnacy symptoms?

when i pop you, haha. lone messing, i'll parley to your mum for you, you know who i am?

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