Bleeding But No Period An Im not pregnant.?

I am only 14.I HAVE NEVER HAD ANY sexual contact next to someone.But i do have my interval and im not supossed to have it for another week or so.but every time i shift to the bathroom i have a tiny bit of blood when i wipe.its not even just about anything.and i noticed some surrounded by my underwear but not much.
any one know what this means?
please give support to im confussed.

Why do women from india have body odor?

There are abundant things that can make you start your interval early, resembling stress, or your body adapting to a close girl friend's cycle. Sometimes you're newly really light. Also, you're childish enough that irregular period are pretty normal--even if you've already been regular in the past.

So, don't freak yourself out. Don't worry. : )

It's not a impossible idea to converse to your doctor though. Pink vaginal discharge can be a sign of an infection. If that is the baggage, it can be solved very glibly once you see your doctor. Any time you have any helpful of health query, especially about "womanly" issues, ask your doctor. There is beyond doubt no reason to business deal with things on your own, or wonder what's going on, when within are people who are near to help you grasp.

Good luck! I'm sure you're fine. You're probably just starting your term a little untimely.

Is my girl-friend prone to preg if she've got the menses but it one and only came for similar to 1 or 2 days?

your about to start your term. please go verbalize to your mom honey she is your best source for advice not a group of disorganized strangers over the internet

Why are my lips within sore?

If you've never had sex later you can't be're period's probably only just early...

Why isn't anybody asking the press "am I pregnant"?

don't know, ask your mom or go to the docor, but i don't expect its anythin to worry around, you didn't mention how long this has be happenin

Help.. im really worried..?

Periods are odd things...they come and run and reappear without much interest. It isn't anything to be greatly concerned about...linger till you have your subsequent real time of year and see if you do it after that one is over...if so, then consult your doctor...I don`t know oral hormones will help regulate your ovaries.

I lately recently have a miscarriage and I don't think I've completely gotten over it. Is that adjectives?

it could be a hemorage
or if you some how cut yourself.

either articulate to you mother, parent whoever, nurse at school or doctor.
your underage your parents will probably be involved

procure it checked

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