Girls i need your give support to?

i just get my peroid a few days ago and i been going in the hose down a lot is that ok because it have been stoping.

Early Menopause?

yeah it hose down usully stops it for a litle while. You should still wear a tampon just contained by case though because it's still possible to overflow while your in the sea.

Birth Control and Breast size?

that's fine... I hope u wear a tampon when u do get contained by the water.

Why do i hurt within the lower part of my stomic ion the not here ?

that wont effect anything you will just bleed possibly into the river, water cannot effect your length or anything like that

Does horizon mercy retribution for tubal reversal?

It's really not stopping. Just gets mixed within the water and you can't see it.

I in recent times starting bleeding between my periods. it's never happen before and i don't know what's going on.

yea its common for your flow to stop while you are in the river but you should use a tampon just within case

I hold sharp pains in my breasts and nipples during my period. It's so unpromising I literally stop in my tracks.Why?

yeah its fine merely wear a tampon the water is suppose to stop it temporaily.

Plizz communicate you think abundant people enjoy IBS these days? Like what percent of population?

if you are wearing a tampon it's fine

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