Breast problem?

Can any one help yesterday i feel a lump in my breast, i hold app at docs tomorro, im abit worried but im sure its nothing, i hold had my nipple pierced more or less 2 years ago and never had any problems next to it and had a babe-in-arms 12 months ago and breast feed him for 4 months, have any one had indistinguishable thing as me and be it serious? serious answers please!


Help i think my girlfriends pregant!!?

Could smoothly be a blocked milk duct with you recent history. Keep your doc appt but dont sweat it.

GIRLS.. do u close to him circumcised with a frenulum or minus?

i thought i had a lump in the past and it turned out it was resembling a bruise where i must enjoy knocked it

I own had problems near removing facial hair.?

ive never have this problem but i wanted to want you luck and i hope it goes ok and its nil serious


I had a lump once, have it removed, turned out to just be a lipoma, freshly a fatty tumor, totally benign and not a problem. If it is not hard resembling a little bebe beneath the skin, it is probably just a lipoma.

What is yaz I never hear of it.?

well i never had problem wiv ma breast, but you should move about and c a doctor coz you could develop cancer, when you heat or hurt your breast it could b hazardous coz its likely that cancer could appear, believe i know wot im taking bout my grandmum died from breast cancer because she hurt her breast and next she develop cancer, so you should really see a doctor

What kind of excersises can you do to support slow down your period?

Make sure your doctor address it tomorrow. The "lump" can be anything from a blocked milk duct to cancer.

Signs that suggest a lump is less possible to be cancerous:

The lump is soft
The lump is discrete; it is easily distinguishable
The lump moves in the breast
There are multiple breast lumps
There is an equal lump in the differing breast
The lump disappears after the menstrual cycle

Signs that suggest a lump is more likely to be cancerous:

The lump is firm and unyielding
The lump is not discrete; it is not easily distinguishable
The lump is fixed in the breast; it does not move
There is solely one lump
There is not an identical lump contained by the opposite breast
The skin of breast is dimpled
The lump is accompany by bloody nipple discharge

Woman only cross-question?

it is a bruise you probably hit something and didn't know

I know this is not the right category but waasn't getting answers in mens health?

I focus making a doc's app. was probably the best entry for you to do. I would probably be worried too. Dont worry though the doctors know what they are doing and they would be best to assist you with this i have a sneaking suspicion that. Prayers and God Bless.

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