Bloated Belly!?

This might seem silly... I catch alot of wind @ dark and a bloated belly aswell I think I may be somehow swallowing nouns without knowing that I am am doing it.... Has anybody ever hear of this and is it possible that this is causing these symptoms...

Gyne operation?!!?!?!!?

There could be lots reasons why you touch bloated and so it’s difficult to give you specific guidance. I’d start by making sure that you’re not frequently constipated as this is one of the most common cause of bloating and discomfort. If constipation is a problem, gradually increase the amount of fibre-rich foods you chomp through such as fruit, veg, wholegrain cereals and bread, wholewheat pasta, brown rice and beans. And other drink up to eight glasses of hose a day, as a need of fluid can make constipation worse, especially if you’re ingestion lots of fibre.

Some foods are also set to cause bloating so you might want to put away fewer of these. Typical culprits include beans, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, sprouts, onions and garlic – however, remember these are obedient sources of fibre and you should chomp through five portions of fruit and veg a day.

Swallowing too much nouns can also give you a bloated tummy and surprisingly, in that are several habits that can result surrounded by this. Simple things such as talking while ingestion, using a straw or sports bottle, chewing gum, eating when you’re on the move, drinking from a sea fountain and eating when you’re upset are adjectives common culprits so try and get rid of as many of these things as possible.

You may also find it favourable to cut out fizzy drinks, including sparkling water. Many slimmers steep up on these types of drinks, but the gas they contain simply ends up in your stomach. It’s also worthwhile avoiding too many ‘diet’, ‘sugar-free’ or ‘low-carb’ products that contain sorbitol, mannitol or maltitol. These sweeteners, which are used in place of sugar, own a laxative effect which can leave you consciousness uncomfortable and full of twine.

Some people blame bloating on an intolerance to a dependable food such as wheat or dairy products. However, food intolerances are notoriously difficult to diagnose as the symptoms can be so wide-ranging ranging, including everything from bloating, fluid retention, headache and tiredness to constipation and diarrhoea. If you really think you might enjoy an intolerance I suggest you keep a food and symptoms diary to see if there’s any outline and then see your GP for a proper diagnosis.

Finally you could try drinking chamomile or peppermint tea. It might not be your usual cuppa but drinks close to these are good for the digestive system and can relief to ease that bloaty inkling.

If all this suggestion fails to stop you reaction bloated I suggest you see you GP to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

Why does my vagina smell wierd?

YOU GOT GASSSS! dont worry, thieve gas-x

Can ayone help?!?

I found out later year that I had IBS which made me bloated alot for no idea. I figured out how to agreement with it I drink Activa yougurt everyday ...give it a try it can't hurt. moral luck

Personal Question!! help !?

Do you chew alot of gum during the hours of daylight? The sugar free kind mete out bloating, plus your swallowing air. Foods will also motivation this. Eating too fast. Gas x works, also travel for a walk within the evenings. Activated Charcoal pills works well too.

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