I am within my first trimester and I want to grasp a tattoo, should i continue, and do you assume it will be ok to procure 1?

Don't get me wrong I don't won't anything to walk wrong with my pregnancy but I really want this tattoo. If you surmise it is a bad perception let mr know, I merely don't see what it would hurt. I could understand if I be tattooing my belly or something but thats not the case.

Answers:    Yes you should continue. If you do get an infection or something contained by your blood it will be passed to your baby. It's appropriate you want to be sure it's safe formerly you do it. If you're not sure ask your doctor.

And if you wait you can treat yourself to a tatto to let your hair down the birth of your child. It's only a few months, right :O)
Don't capture one they are just poison to your body you are nearly to be a mother focus on that I would advise you to keep on until after the baby is born. Just incase the kid goes into distress and you miscarrage.
It should be ok...Where is the tattoo and is it big? i focus you should get the tattoo its not going on ur stomach so it wont effect the toddler xx
Absolutely WAIT. You can contract Hepatitis C (among an assortment of other things) from tattoo needles. While it is highly unlikely if you are going to a verbs and reputable parlor, why would you risk passing that on to your babe-in-arms? Your baby is much more prominent than a tattoo that you can get subsequent year. You may even change your mind by later! There is always the karma of getting a blood born disease and changes within your body during pregnancy can increase your chances of scarring. If you REALLY want the tattoo, dally for it. It will give you that extra time to spawn sure you want it on top of making sure it turns out the best it can.
intuitively I would wait but I can't see any wound in it if the tattoo artist is inclined to do it.
If you never had one you may get the impression faint and that wouldn't be angelic, some people don't similar to pain but if you hold already had one you know what they are close to.
another option is to achieve henna(sp) done.

read this, you will change your mind and not want it!!
keep on till the baby is born, i chew over some of the chemical ingredients in the tattoo ink will mar the fetus while you are pregnant,beside that you will get bigger during pregnency, the skin will streach out contained by every inch of you body in some course, if you get it right presently it might not be worth for it..you can also ask you OBGYN and the tattoo artist, they will also give you a better option i got a tattoo on my foot wen i be 24 weeks pregnant and i a=hav a beautifull healthy daughter its not similar to ur takin dsrugs and harming the babe i say step 4 it if ur really worried wait till ur second trimester
worthy luck
Any tattoo parlour I've been to will not tattoo a pregnant woman. Can't you in recent times wait a few months till your baby's born? I cogitate the risk of blood infections etc. is too big. Even if you go to a reputable place at hand is always a prospect that something can go wrong. I'm not against tattoos or anything (I enjoy four of my own) I just dream up you should put your baby's health first and dawdle. I am a mother with tattoos, so I hold no problem with body art. But, I would dally until after I was done breast feed to get a tattoo.

This is from the American Pregnancy Association:

"The basic concern with getting a tattoo during pregnancy is the risk of contracting an infection, such as Hepatitis B and HIV. Although the risk is small, it is recommended that you dawdle to get a tattoo until after your babe-in-arms is born.

You will be very interested to know that little information is available give or take a few the safety of skin dyes used for tattooing during pregnancy. It is possible that the chemicals within the dye may affect the development of the babe-in-arms during the first 12 weeks, but the risks are unknown, as are any effects on the baby during the remainder of the pregnancy."


And here is another thought:

"We adjectives gain weight during pregnancy. This results within the skin stretching. After the baby is born and your body go back to its inspired shape, or something resembling your former body, the skin will no longer be stretched. This can adversely affect the look of the tattoo. If you wait until the kid is born and you lose the weight, the results will be better. Since you maintain a tattoo forever, you want it to turn out well."


"Deborah Ehrenthal, assistant residency program director of obstetrics and gynecology, Christiana Care Health System contained by Wilmington, DE
Tattoos are not recommended during pregnancy. First of adjectives, your skin changes during pregnancy and that may tweaking the way the tattoo looks after you deliver the newborn. In addition, if the equipment is not properly sterilized, there's other the risk of transmission of blood-borne infections such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV."


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