I own a late extent a neg hpt test, but did a endovag.and my uterus is gelatinous & full of blood could i be pr?


Whats wrong? i have be eating things i usually dont drink and had cravings deferred at night?

Not sure what an endovag is.

I suppose it's possible that you are pregnant. I own heard of women who have their periods throughout their pregnancy. If your uterus is gummy and full of blood, it's possible you are just have a heavy time and this will all shed out during your spell. There is also the chance that you could be pregnant and have a miscarriage. Are you in headache?

What are the downsides to taking metformin for pcos? (polysystic ovarian syndrome)?

im not saying probably, but possibly. I would get a pregnancy oral exam.

Menstrual cycle in the recent past?

If I were you..I would progress have a blood question paper to confirm, pregnancy.This is not something to mess around with , especially once someone is over the age of 35. One would be considered a glorious risk. I hope everything will turn out well for you Best wishes.

Does anyone know nearly brain swelling?

I would not panic, newly see your doctor. Only they can determine whats wrong. It is possible you could be preg. I had several home test say neg when contained by fact I be preg. A bllod test is the one and only sure fool proof way to share. Call your doctor today and good luck^_^

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