What is wrong beside my vagina?

So my boyfriend and i dry hump instead of having sex, and basically recently my vagina started hurting me when we doing it and i told him to stop. i looked at it and it looked approaching raw skin. it burns and stings, and i am worried something may be seriously wrong. Do i enjoy something to worry almost, or is it just a rug burn type piece? He also rubbed me down there... should i take it checked or let it alleviate itself? Any personal experiences or doctors out there?

Hey guys I touch very ailing, please help me?

I reflect it is definitely "rug burn" as you hilariously put it and it will run away of its own accord but you might similar to to put a little bit of chamomile lotion on it or conceivably a little bit of antiseptic cream to prevent any infections.

Dry humping is fun isnt it. I still do it next to my wife from time to time for memory lane's sake.

How do you know when your period is over for the month?

rug burn.

it should treat itself. but if its more than a week and it still causes discomfort, wish help from a doc.

Uncomfortable sex?

get him checked! STD!! naw idk

Had undprotected sex for a couple of days, have period in good time was robust w/clots.took a preg test?

No your alright, it is a moment ago like rug burn from the friction, it will make well in a week or so.

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Stop dry humping, in that is a reason you don't do it that means of access. If he doesn't want to wait until you are in place, at least own him use lubrication. He should do everything he can to please you before he enter you anyway.

Im a female & after i own sex this happens?

rug burn, should restore to health itself

why do you do that?

Is this normal?

It's probably only your clothes rubbing up against your skin, paired with fluids and warmth...It can cause some serious skin issues.

My guidance, have sex, wear a condom and relieve some of the tautness, your boyfriend will thank you for it.

I have not see my period for five month could something be wrong next to me.?

you guys must have rubbed the nouns raw. You could also hold a bruise I know that it can happen

Even tho your on the pill can you win pregnant if the guy release in you?

u should permit it heal and if it doesnt procure it checked out ask somebody

Help! I have horrible cramps!!?

its merely rug burn...put lotion (moisture, not scented) on and lay out...

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You should not have anything to verbs about; unless he threw it within you.

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It is probably just irritation, but it is other a good belief to have your gyno or doctor check it out purely in armour. Better safe than sorry. Try putting rime on it. Wrap the ice within a hand towel first so that it isn't directly contained by contact with your skin.

Confustion on birth control instructions?

Those are merely burns you got from adjectives that dry humping that's going on. You should let the wounds make well and be careful, or at tiniest less rough, when dry humping your boyfriend.


if you are dry humping for consistent time frames, consequently more than likely they are rug burns. Try not to dry hump for a few days and put some neosporin on it.

IS it NORMAL or conceivably CANCER?

Sounds to me like a correct case of friction burn. Try to find a different path of pleasing each other until you treat. Put some Vaseline on the area to facility the discomfort.

Cramps? Period? Other Signs?

i would say its jus similar to a rug burn, from the friction & especially if you wearing denim.
it will heal on itself, but afford it some rest for a few days. a cool bath may help out, after a shower so you're clean & in recent times water - no soap or bubble hip bath, that may irritate it

i also want to give you a thumbs up for finding another road to be close instead of having sex, (it sounds similar to you haven't yet and celibacy can be a remarkably good thing)

Ok just now i have be under alot of stress.?

Probably freshly a bit of a burn. Try to get some Vagisil products, and see if that help to soothe the stinging, or just some plain out-of-date Vaseline, that soothes and may help shelter it from further irritation from urine, etc...

Is my mom over solidity.?

Take a long break from friction!!

That is a sensitive area, so too much friction can invite infection, not to mention irritation. So...

Keep it verbs, but don't scrub or use soap for now. You can switch vertebrae to perfume free soap (mild) in a daytime. Eat yogurt and drink cranberry juice to avoid yeast infection which can take place when irritated. Wear cotton underwear and loose pants. Sleep uncovered if you can.

If you are REALLY uncomfortable, you can try vagisil, but don't over do it make happen the area call for air to treat.

If it doesn't clear up in a few days, gross a doctors appointment.

If you were in your birthday suit during your activities, be in motion to the doc soon! This kind of irritation can facilitate the ratification of stds.

A serious question.?

you can never be too undamaging with these problems...seize yourself to the doctor if you are experiencing a sexual transmitted disease you could wait too long and possible become sterile and never be competent yo have children are you sure that you are the one and only one he has ever done this near he may have contracted something from someone...please please please walk to the doctor

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it may be a sign of infection if it stick with for more than a week.

Yeast infection or not? (mature answers plz)?

its just rug burn, it will make well on its own

My breasts grew two sizes in a month..?

no your fine. dont stress.

its kinda similar to when guys masturbate to much there penis get raw and it burns.. like kinda thing is up to you. just bestow it a few days and dont do anything with your boyfriend until it heal. everything will be fine!!

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