HELP PLEASE HELP!i enjoy a bump on my VAGINA?

what do you think it is? i cant let somebody know my mom and i got raped at the age of 12 .. im 15 presently is it a std?


I agree with Kenyette. I own a daughter and if she ever held something hidden resembling that for so long I would be crushed that I wasn't able to assistance her and that she didn't think she could rely on me! The bump could be an ingrown down or something mior like that but you should grasp checked out by a doctor. Talk to your mom or a woman you trust and get the oblige you need. This is not something you should own to go through alone.

Help gonig to the shoreline tomorow and i have my time?

Go see a gynecologist.

Period in conservatory?

please talk to your mother or someone that you consistency really comfortable with (aunt, educationalist, etc). I would be real hurt knowing that my daughter be going thru something like this and not agree to me help her, I know she will still love you.

Why do women cramp when its that time of the month?

It may be an irritation or ingrown down or it could be more serious, either path you need to find out. If you don't get the impression comfortable talking to mom or another full-size check out planned parenthood contained by your area. Good luck!

Weight loss during pregnancy?

It could be an ingrown down focile. If left untreated it can achieve infected and it's painful! No issue what, you need to convey someone now that you've be rapped!! You requirement to go to the doctor. It doesn't enjoy to be your mom, it can be your dad, or someone you really, really, trust. If you tell them they could block that person and put them aft bars.

ANSWER THIS PLEASE!! does it hurt?

just provide it a week or 2, i had that one eime and it freaked me out too, but next it went away surrounded by a couple of weeks- i think i started my extent around that time so it must have be like some considerate of hormone brealout or something- like when you enjoy your period your body go through stress so i think i.e. what caused the bump, but it did turn away so i wouldnt be to worried.

I am 32 years old man.since closing three months i felling some spasm my brest & now some hose down dropping in my?

If you absolutely enjoy no one to turn to, consequently try a place called "Planned Parenthood". They will minister to you.

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