Cramps 3 days after period terminated?

So I wrote on here a day or two ago roughly my period person early, but especially light, and a moment or two longer than normal. But for some root, I'm still having cramps resembling I'm either on my interval or about to start. Any clue why?

I've be feel for a moment seasick all hours of daylight, too. Plus I've been have lower backaches adjectives week and a headache for about 4 days very soon (which is out of character for me.)

I know it sounds crazy, but is in attendance any chance I could be pregnant? Even after (ever so lightly) bleeding for 8 days?


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Depending on how regular your cycles are, a longer than middle-of-the-road period could indicate a larger problem. Cramps are regular, especially since ovulation will be impending for you in the next week or so.

If you are still concerned, phone call your doctor. They could run tests and see if anything is out of the dull. And if you suspect pregnancy, take a interview! It's the only opening to know for sure.

Best of luck to you!

Just wondering?

if you are on your period theres no route you will be pregnant
all those symptoms are average for those days...

a week before, during, and week after your interval you cant be pregnant

for your 8 days some doctors give (anti-pregnant pills dont know how to spell that within english sorry) to make your interval regular

What age and weight should you start your time?

Well it sounds like you might enjoy had a miscarriage or if you be taking any cramp medication it could also be side-effects.

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Yes, you CAN get pregnant on your time of year.
You aren't pregnant if you haven't had sex(obviously), and if you only just have have sex, as long as you've done everything right, there's zilch to worry going on for.
Sometimes you can get stressed and bring your period faster ot later.
It could be gas. Sometimes I obtain cramps from that lol.
If you're really that worried go steal a pregnancy test at the doctor or something.

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