How various abortions have you have?

And what were the circumstances? Was it a big do business for you or not so much? My current girlfriend has simply had a couple, but I enjoy friends who have have 4 or 5 before graduate high arts school (they probably wouldn't have graduate if they kept the babies). Condoms are annoying and birth control has discouraging side effects, so my opinion is abortions are no big concord if you have the $$.

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I haven't have any, but props to you for igniting what will probably be a wildfire of fervent responses : )

Abortions, while not exactly the most pleasant-feeling of medical procedures, do zero mar to a woman's uterus or vaginal tract. Zero. Unless of course you're the shuddering or nervous sort who can't sit still. Sometimes (we're conversation less than 2 percent of the population here) a uterine slash or tear can arise if you're not still on the table. That hardly happen.

Abortion does not affect fertility levels whatsoever. Sheesh, ladies. Passion is one article, but putting yourself in other womens' shoes and situation is quite another.

In my mind, abortion shouldn't be used as a method of birth control. It's really expensive and moderately invasive. It is time consuming and a hassle, plus an emotional drag. Hormonal birth control is where on earth it's at, and safe and responsible sex should prevent abortions--after adjectives, abstinence isn't credible or fun.

Think condoms. Think hormones. Think responsibly.

Weight gain with Yasmin contraceptive pill?

none and it messes up the feminine insides so it's not good to hold .:)

My girlfreinds really ill?


Starving on the pill?

Unprotected sex can destroy you. Never mind all the infections that you can attain. If you are sleeping with someone, and have unpro. sex, you are sleeping w/everyone that he has contained by the past.
I will not even touch your inference on how many abortions are ok. you regard birth control has "too heaps side effects"? Death is a huge side effect.

Is it just me or are the breast question annoying?

I'm pro-choice and I know I'd never have kids, but your thinking isn't logical. Condoms are annoying, and birth control have bad side effects? Getting pregnant is a bleak side effect of not using any protection! There are many different kind of condoms and I'm sure if you tried you could find one that wasn't annoying. Birth control is 99% effective when used correctly, if you don't want kids you might consider that statistic fairly than always resorting to abortions if an twist of fate happens. I imagine having 4 or 5 abortions is irresponsible when you can prevent getting pregnant in the first place. Plan B and the morning after pill are forceful forms of emergency contraception!

You should check out the "Trojan:Evolve" obligation to get more coaching or something about the use of protection. You've hear of STDs, right?

I'm using the DEPOT injection, there is any side effect that I should know?

Uhm.. Aborting a tot is practically murder.. You're killing the poor point because you are too irresponsible to have past the worst sex. Ya know what. If you don't want a baby.. Then save your freaking pants on.

Anyone know a gynecologist within St. Louis area performing Uplift?

An abortion is concrete on a woman's body and should only be used as a final resort. If you're going to use abortion as a birth control method like the pill, you stipulation to stop having sex. Immediately.

Is it okay to turn to the tanning bed after having a TB skint examination done?

None im still a virgin and i plan on stayin that way until bridal! Abortion is WRONG u r murdering a child u created

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