Period problems and troubles.?

Hey, well. i'm singular 14 years old but i am experiencing peroid problems and troubles and i obligation some help. It adjectives started out when i had a occupation and i had to be sent to the hospial, the did a CT scan on me and they said i have a tumor, so anyways i got sent to another hospital soon afterwards. Two days after the seziure and whey they told me i get a tumor i had surgery (the tumor be removed), they put a catheder in me. Later on soon afterwards when they pulled out the catheder my vagina started to bleed (i'm not sure if to be precise normal or not). BEFORE the paroxysm and finding out about the tumor i be on two pills they were: aldactone/spironolactone (which i assume is a water pill) and zovia/ethinyl (yes i know its a birth control bill but i have to take it because the first time my time of year didn't have a moral cycle and because i have hormore problems). AFTER the hospital i be on pills like Dexamethason, apap/codeine, colace and phentoin (it's a fit pill). AFTERWARDS(i'll continue this

Cerazettedid any1 hold probs wiv this pill?

i'm no doctor , but it sounds like you might involve to have the doctor check the dosing of the 'pill'. it souns similar to it's either too strong or too pale.

Please help?

if i be you i would go to the doctor and find out what is going on..

Does sex hurt?

wow this is confusing.
definetly go to a doctor and enlighten them exactly what you just wrote. they should know how to help you.

Implantation bleeding ,does anyone know anything almost it ?

Go see a doctor about it, it doesn't nouns normal.

I havent have a period since 12/26. pg oral exam 2x and both my nipples are getting white in middle+pain?

go to the doctor and inform him about this and ask give or take a few all this situation

If someone and their inherited was sick would they be treated at an emergency hospital for free?

well if the doctor said to stay on both pills, it could lately be the reactions of the pills against respectively other or the reactions of the pills against the catheter. of late stay on the pills and give it some time. at hand isn't much else you can do if the doctors are telling you to do it.

if zilch changes and the doctors still don't so anything, unequivocally go to another doctor, even if it is to lone get a second belief. even go to the hospital. do anything you have to do to procure better, and i can't really think of anything to enunciate except for what i have said.

well brought-up luck i hope you get better

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