Bleeding between extent?

Sorry for TMI here but for the past 2 days I enjoy had some bleeding it is red and within is some tissue(again sorry for TMI) like when I carry my period. Period is not due for 2 weeks and I am on BC pills for close to 10 years so not new to those. I enjoy already gotten like a buoyant pinkish discharge between periods but this is red and heavier and I own cramping. Is this normal? Also i enjoy some itching as well.

I lately had bariatric surgery and lost over 100lbs! Shouldn't my ins. retribution for tummy tuck!?

Go see your doctor. That is not normal. Some BC pills can produce cancer, so have that check up soon. The itching can be due to an infection.

Getting rid of child tummy?

it is a well set fact that the bc pill can impose breakthrough bleeding/pregnancy even if you have be on them for a long time as well as bloodclots, strokes, PE, mass gain, and mood swings.

if you are really concerned, call your Gyn who prescribed it to you to see if it can be resolved.

Taking the pill to stop time?

No, that is not ordinary. Your should make an appointment near a GYN Doctor right away. Either your BC pill isn't the right one any longer or you could have a serious issue.

23f snatched weight gain, unpromising breakouts, hairloss?

you may have an infection as far from the itching but as the bleeding i dont really give attention to its normal. you inevitability to go to your family connections doctor or your gyno. and get it checked out.

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