Should i let my woman garden grow?

Or should i wax or shave it?
I would like your honest opinion please as i have have this dilemma for some time. Waxing and shaving is uncomfortable when it starts growing rear legs as it prickles me but I am going on holiday soon and don't want to be worrying about spiders legs.
Does anyone else own this problem?


What can these symptoms mean?

I enunciate waxing. While it's not as painless as shaving, the hackle follicle takes a great deal longer to grow back (normally at least possible three weeks), you aren't exposed to itchy raxor burn, and you don't get those icky red bumps. You also significantly trim down your chances of tight ingrown hairs by wax as opposed to shaving.

While here are different styles of waxing available, the most convenient for a first-time waxer would be a regular Bikini wax, roughly removing the hair that grows outside the boundary of your bikini bottom.

Personally, I've be a fan of Brazilian wax for a few years now, where on earth the aesthetician removes all the down from down below, front to back. Very verbs, no itching, and no unsightly spider legs. And if you have a special someone you'll be sharing your trip near, trust me, he'll appreciate it. =)

Any ideas on exercises on firming and lifting your bustline? and how matured do you have to be for them to work?

'woman garden'!!?

Scared for period!?

I can't conjure not waxing.

My bra size is a 32A does that be set to my chest is smaller than those who wear a 34A?

why not just wax/shave round the edges close at hand your panty line to neaten it up rather? - but i think you should do doesn`t matter what is the most comfortable to you!

Embarrasing itching?

if you have a weedwhacker... sure budge ahead...

hahaha, just kidding

at hand's always trimming smartly with scissors.. it's a personal choice how you want to play barber on yourself down there


I own had sex resembling 13 times with my bf & i dont know if i ever have an organism? should have it ploughed!

I be recently prescribed Effexor but I can afford it?

if you want to agree to it grow just wear bikini shorts instead of pant and you will not have to verbs about spider legs is personal nouns whether you prefer a neat little evade or a natural forest is up to you xxx

Is within any way you can cause your period come lacking pills? I have be pmsing for about 2.5 weeks immediately?

definatly wax it its much cleaner and more appealing to the opposite sex

Help me!?!? Please!?

Lady garden?

Thats the funniest entity i heard within ages. Thanks !!

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'female garden' thats lame sorry ! keep it how it is comfortable !


Wax round the edges and own a neatly trimmed "landing strip" It doesnt itch and looks reasonably neat.

Is it almost here?time of year question.?

just wax the sides and save the rest short, like a centemeter. You know your allowed to use scissors...

Help! Does this nouns normal to you? Need lots of answers!?

ewww resourcefully that's up to you why do you need to ask thw full world?

Girl question?

Lady garden... LOL hjahahahahahah

What if?

I would recommend wax, as you dont have to bother near it so often, but do doesn`t matter what makes you consistency about nairs fuzz removal creme, or even sugaring?

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if you are going n holiday you should def procure it waxed not nice when you see hair coming out of bikini - yuk

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Tidy it up a short time if your not comfortable with shaving or waxing

plus if you shave you don't want your "woman garden" to itch like hell on holiday!!

not nice!

I estimate just neaten it up so its not over flowing if you resembling out of your bikini!

Have a nice holiday

Love Jess

What should i do or write ?

When will you get to progress on holiday again? I think you should do what you perceive will make you happiest, where on earth you will have the most minuscule worry bout 'peeking through', and what you will surface most comfortable with. Don't verbs what others think you should do. Do what you cogitate is best!

My period is a week untimely for the 2d time is this normal?

Waxing would be my choice, the longer you wax the finer the mane grows back and it wont irritate you as much. shaving should be individual for emergencies!!
You want to be comfortable do what feels right

and delight in your holiday

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many men would find this abit of a turn on espicially if you are not too antediluvian

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thats entirely your choice, depends on what you feel most comfortable near, forget what anyone else thinks.. they dont own to wear it.. or look at it for that matter

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This might sound a bit unexpected but I really think it looks better inherent. When it is shaved it looks good for a afternoon or so but when the stubble comes through it looks like a plucked chicken skin (not pretty).
I would put on your bikini and see what shows and afterwards remove only the parts you can see - set off the rest as it is.
I hope you have a wonderful holiday and I am sure however you preserve your lawn the garden will look basically as pretty.

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