Whats wrong near me?

For the past 2 or 3 weeks i've be feeling sick after i put away. I know that i'm not eating to much because of late today i had partially a sandwich and i was full, but afterwards now 2 hours latter i feel really sick approaching i am going to throw up. I don't know why im not eating awfully much either! I guzzle maybe a couple of bits of something and i consistency sick or im full. What should i do about this? I own told my mom but she really doesnt think its a big agreement. What do you think is wrong near my body?

Ovaries hurting!?


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Maybe you are anxious roughly eating. Such anxiety could develop into something much worse. You should really see a doctor just about this, as the less you devour, the more weight you'll lose, which isn't a devout thing. I hope everything turns out okay for you. x

Do you still ovulate when your period are irregular?

Call your doc for advice you may basically an intestinal bug thats hanging on or it could be zilch but if it's lasted this long simply medical advice is your best bet here. Good luck.


When do you stop getting spots?

You don't speak how old you are...but you may be pregnant.

Your mom should be more sensitive and find out what the heck is wrong!

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have you done a pregnancy test if you are sexually busy?

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sounds like you necessitate to cleanse. what are you eating - is it dairy? you may be allergic to what you are consumption so it may not be how much as much as what.
keep a food diary and see what things are triggering this reponse from your body. this will also abet when you see your doctor because you can give specific info.

Girls lone!?

sweetie, i know how you feel. i have that too once. you might have a stomach virus. did you if truth be told throw up yet? okay anyway, you should tell your mom it is a big do business and go to your doctor and he/she will dispense you medicine to spawn you feel better. I hope this help!!

I had itching to my vagina and anus a long time and suffering more or less this sick?

dont throw out the possibility of pregnancy yet. some general public i know didnt really show them being pregnant til month 5, close to it wasnt that obvious. heres the easist method to know if u might be pregnant. --> have u have your period within the past 4 months?<---

otherwise u probably necessitate to see a doctor. might be some viral infection in your gut

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