Could this be something serious that im going through??
How are LH and progesterone a feedback apparatus?
You need to see a doctor more or less this -- there are too many things this could be (anything from the start of your spell, to pregnancy, to endometriosis, to just about anything else that can lead to wonky periods or irregular bleeding). In other words, it may be nothing, it may be something. Only a doctor can communicate you for sure! Please make an appointment ASAP to get this checked out, and pious luck!How old are you? Have your periods other been regular? If you haven't had unprotected sex, you can't be pregnant...if your spell doesn't start by the end of the week, make a Doctor's appointment and gain checked out. kjl
12 and partly hours tardy taking the pill.. help out! answer asap?
dont wanna scare you, but something important to check near your obgyn. may be a blood clotAsking for suggestion, i'm not too sure i+f i'm have a miscarriage?? I be two weeks slowly starting my length
Discharge?? (i call for more answers)?
Is this implantation bleeding?