Do you get period whan growing breasts?

What does it feel similar to?

Do transgendered people achieve their period?

The two manner of go together. When a immature girl starts to notice budding breasts pubic coat and hair underneath her armpits consequently her period is round the corner. It's not sensitive - budding breasts I mean - your body is preparing for renovation and girls become young women sooner than boys. Take a twelve year old girl and boy. Some girls that age already look approaching women while the boys look like children. This is lately one change you will experience - we a; variation constantly. but this is a milestone.

I am really confused ,is it true girls only ..?

period feel good result in now you know your on your channel to womanhood but your breast grow at any stage near to have your first period and keep growing until your around the age of 20

Breast implant cross-examine?

well sometimes u get it but sometimes it does not.
ably period feel like hose down is dripping out vagina and u feel bloted and ur lower rank of ur tommy hurts but it great though u feel close to a woman

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