How can i remember i took my pills?


TMI -- Vagina Problems?

A way is you can write down or memorize when you took them.

Ex. Like the hour.

I have 2 abnormal paps and immediately I'm having a colposcopy. Anyone own this done?

Your pills should be dated or at least the packet surrounded by comes in should be


I used to put my pills beside my toothbrush. That opening, when I brushed my teeth, I took my pill.

You could also spend a buck at the local dollar store and get a week-long pill container. It tell you if you took your pills on each morning of the week.

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This is a dorky belief, but hey, you might be interested. Take a marker every time you embezzle a pill and put a mark on your mitt so that you remember once you look at your hand. That style, you can just tally up all the pills you took for the hours of daylight. i.e., use different color markers for respectively pill and mark on your med. bottle respectively color in proclaim to keep track.

Honestly People?

why dont you try the Nuva ring? You solely have to remember it once a month. It help me a ton

Is it OK to run/exercise during period?

When ever i want to remember something i write it really big on my paw.or i just communicate my friends and have them remind me cuz am next to them all the time.

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