Boyfriends plz assistance...?

Ive met this incredible guy, hes sooo sweet and i think going on for him all the time, and am so glad when i get to speak to him, hes really dutiful lookin and caring, hes so sweet to me, tellin me 'im the most elegant thing hes ever seem to be' and he really is genuine, it odd but i actually miss talkin to him! Hes my best friends, boyfriends, best mate :S Thats how we met. I similar to his sooooo much and have be holding off ''us as a couple'' Because im not sure how my parents will take action, i had a boyfriend up to that time (for a short time) in illegal with my mom found out something like, but she didnt go batty or anythin or scream n shout its not close to tht its just i dont deduce they really want me to have a boyfriend. And i no problem dont want then to suggest were 'doin' anything cos im not readly for that and this lad would linger for me because hed always put me first. It would create me sooo happy if he be my boyfriend but i feel i cant because of my parents! Im 16, wat should i do? How do i explain to them if i had a B.F?

Yaz Birth control?

You entail to tell your mom and dad that you found an amazing guy that really care about you and that you quality the same track about him, describe them that you feel approaching you are old ample to have a bf and that you and this guy own a really special relationship!!

Make sure that if they do say no, that you stay soothing and don't have a hissy fit b/c after it will look like you really aren't arranged to have a bf. Even if they do say aloud no, they could always alteration their minds!!

Good luck and congratulations on finding such a great guy!

If you are pregnant?

be honest with your parents,i know it'shard now-a-days but they both will enjoy so much RESPECT for you.

Ok, this is a little awkward, but how do you contribute a man an orgasm?

hun your 16.. your parents arnt expecting you to stay a kid forever. 2 more years and your a free woman no matter what they utter so im sure they wont mind u having a boyfriend immediately as long as your respectful enough to gossip to them about it and not hair it behind their back. If you hide the reality your dateing behind their stern and try to insure them your not "doing" anything.. how are they supposed to trust or believe you?..see where this is going? dont reason twice. family other first hun no matter what. Dont secrete this from your parents. Im sure they wont care especially if your honest more or less it all:)

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