EXTREME back pains when on length!!?

Everytime i am on my period on the first year i get horrible wager on cramps. They feel almost similar to a stabbing pains and nothing is comfortable and the heat pad doesn't work. I gain sick to my stomach and i feel approaching i am going to be sick and then i return with really hott. It is just a nightmare and i can't hold it. Its like the worst EVER. I don't know what is wrong. Could nearby be a problem? Midol works okay but not that good. Please abet me! Thanks ahead of time for any answers!!

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I feel you nearby, girlie. My periods suck too. I found out that I enjoy ovarian cysts, and that's why mine are so bad. My gyno put me on birth control and that took comfort of it, although there be other side effects that weren't so great. At least the torment was gone! Generally I preemptively cart Aleve (naproxen) and that helps better than the midol for me. Good luck!

What are the likelihood?

Back pains are normal to progress through during your period matching as stomach aches, and headache etc. If they are extreme like you said you should see a doctor to be sure.

Ladies, post-menstrual cramps?

It would oblige you would have mentioned how older you are even though I know a women never tells her age. :o)

I didn't start getting hindmost pain next to my curse until I was 35 years matured - and after many doctor visit and tests found out that I have arthritis in my spine. I be aware of lower back discomfort from time to time but didn't regard as much of it until I started having trunk pain once a month (you know when). I found out that the inner swelling cause by the "event" put pressure on my spine and caused the arthitis headache to escalate. Now I'm treated for the arthritis and the whole month is much more tolerable.

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I used to get really fruitless cramps. i mean so desperate that they would take me out of the running for roughly speaking 2-3 days and i would bleed heavily. i would get niggle I'm my back my stomach and my chest would even hurt. i be too embarrassed to see my dr but going on for a year and a half ago i started militaristic arts and I've been stretching alot. since i started stretching and exercising i not quite have any cramps anymore (but my chest still hurts and that's how i know when I'm almost to have my time of year.) you may want to try stretching and some kind of exercises that you relish and see if that works for you. it really has help me and i no longer have to ring off of work because of it very soon. :)

Girls only????????

the first article that comes to mind is endometriosis, but you should schedule appointment beside gyno for further investigation of problem, sorry I can't give you more thinking

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