Is it true that when females live in the same house...?

Is it true that when two females live surrounded by the same house their menstrual cycles become similar? If this is true, how so? Because me and my mom hold cycles that overlap each other. I start first, and later halfway through mine, she starts, and that's one and the same with lots of women I know and their fellow womanly family member.

Birth Control?

Yes. Any females you live with or are surrounded by close contact with: females contained by your dorm-room if and when you go to college. Females you may live next to (roomates, lovers if you are lesbian/bisexual), work with or anything else.

It's a pheremone thing. Basically, pheremones are hormones that others can smell lacking realizing they can smell it. Chemical communication between two empire (animals have it to) They utter that dogs can smell fear? I believe this is true, they can smell your "fear" pheremones.

Some feel it evolved as a competition thing. The more I swot up about human evolution, the more I regard that there must be a cooperative aspect to it. We are cooperative, social creatures. We survive best when we survive together. If that channel all getting our period together so we can all droop out in the proverbial "red tent" together, that technique we can better protect each other. There is sanctuary in numbers.

How can I detail?

It is totally true...and I have no concept why!
My 4 co-workers & I are 2 days starts...then 2 days following the other get the picture.

I choice I had more solid data BUT contained by my experience it's totally true...funny & true!


you may not have have yours long enough and also, you probably don't spend much time next to her during the day. If you spend more time next to other females during the day it will throw it bad track of hers.

Have you had breast implant put in at the areola?

yes, its true. Its something to do beside hormones and pheremones that cause women to sync. I dont live near my brother's g/f, but she is around so much that we sync.

It happens near other species too. If you have several unspayed dogs, one will walk into heat, and shortly after the other will move about into heat.

=[ idk..?

Yes it's true. It's God's means of access of giving us more time for vagina munching during the month.

I have these red bumps on my legs, i dont know how i get them but they are always in that, so my question is?

yes, but its not even indistinguishable house, me and all my friends catch our periods together presently. its because of some pheromone something.

Hello can you please help me gratitude?

Yes, it seems to be true. It happen with me & my two daughters.

They say-so it's due to the sense of smell, that stimulates the other females to menstruate.

It originated when those were nomad & had to ovulate and contribute birth at the same times, for the sanctuary of the tribes.

Why do so many females devise that the answerers on this site can substitute for an obstetrician?

Yes. After being together long satisfactory, women's periods seize around the same cycle because they are influenced by the presence of other feminine's pheramones (the chemical signals our bodies use to communicate to others).


It is true us girls gotta stick together

Could I be pregnant?

yes it's true, you can also cycle around women you spend alot of time with, my friends and i cycle around eachother.

Is it common to start your period 2 weeks after an abortion?

Well it is possible! And this also surface within best friends or associates who get along in good health generally. They vote their hormones get along ably too, so that would be the explanation. They usually have their time of year about duplicate time. it's not a general rule, but it happen very regularly! Me and my mom have term in matching time when I'm in the holidays and I spend more time beside her, for example, and during the school year our period get a longer distance from eachother.
So yeah, it is true!

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