What is orgasm ? and can we get this attitude from masterbation ?


Surprised by expected guest.doing things to himself!!?

yes of course, it is the paradise we feel and when the moment comes during masturbation or sex, it is knotty to control our body and we feel great force of make-up and at that moment even if we would want to abandon sex or masturbation, orgasm is almost impossible to control. ORGASM is the mount of our sexual activity after which we enjoy to come down. Boys can orgasm just once at a time while Girls can quality multy orgasms continuously. This is God made and humans and other creatures can not change it.

Bra's..plz read..13 yrs feeble here.?

This Word is mostly associated with the womanly partner's crescendo in sex. I do not see any rationale why this can't be achieved surrounded by a satisfying opening with "Self Satisfying Methods"!

How and what do you use to masturbate?-for girls?

its an unexplainable fear that takes over your together body. and it can occur through self pleasure

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