Llighter time than normal any philosophy why?

I have pcos and I typically have lashing periods that second for up to two weeks.I normally have to wear both types of sanitry protection and change every two hours.

This second period have been different as it solely lasted two days and have been lighter than mundane.
I only have to wear a pad and changed every four hours
It started rotten with pink mucus spotting afterwards went on to red flow. There be a clot the size of a penny on day one and I have some smaller clots on day 2 and i have cramping which went when the interval stopped.

I have lost counterbalance do you thing this have any thing do do next to my period man different this time.

I'm 13 and have 2 achieve my first physical @ a real hos. what do they do and is it freshly u and the doc. no mom

It is not a medical centre!

Is it unpromising for a 13 year old girl who have her period to be ratification massive blood clots during the time of month

Oh yes weight loss can effect you menstrual cycle. When I loose counterbalance I sometimes skip a cycle.

Does anyone know how to stop a period and by taking two birth control pills does that really work?

Well, I know that if a individual gets ALOT of exercise they own lighter periods. LIke Athletes usually singular have their period for about two days..

Can anybody oblige?

I don't know anything about pcos, but every woman have a few weird period in her lifetime. I'm sure you are fine, but it wouldn't hurt to make conversation to your doctor.

No period w/ the nuvaring?

There could be tons different reasons for the renovate but you should see your doctor just to trade name sure eveything is ok. My friend suffered with that for masses years and hers suddenly eased up when she hit her 20's

Period support?

You got your Menopause, I muse.

Has anyone else cried during their first pap smear?

Well if you've started exercising it can affect your period, as can mass loss. During basic training for seven weeks I didn't hold a period, it be great. All during basketball season when I was surrounded by school I didn't enjoy a period we run so much. But I defiantly reckon you should go to the doc. Better to be out of danger than sorry.

Can you explain please a little more more or less the answer you gave me roughly speaking lactating after 6yrs thankyou.?

It could be from anything.

First how old are you?

Mine change alot.
Depends what's going on in my life emtionally, physically.
Right very soon my body is in serious repair mode because of a broken leg.
My peroid be super super light this month.

Last month I thought I be giong to die.
As far as the clots, that's normal for me too.
I acquire cramping right before mine starts, regularly during.
Advil works great for me

If your really concerned to see a doctor.
Set your mind at ease.

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