Can you break a vagina?I denote i say it's an organ and you can't break it.My freind say it's a cannal and can
My freind says it's a cannal and you can break it raison d`??tre it has a bone holding it up.But i articulate the Bone is not apart of the vagina.
hymen yes, vagina no
Has anyone ever used Yoga-toes, or even know someone who have used them? Did they help your foot?
haha the whole vagina no? you can prejudice it from too much hard sex lmao but you can't break it! you can break your hymen if that's what you be going to? but the vagina NO. please get well-read on the female anatomy or you will not enjoy good luck next to women.Do women realy perfer a big penis? and read details?
you can stretch a vagina out a lot but not break it