Not sure what is wrong if anything.?

I just get finished with my monthly cycle and approaching a week before i start my term I become very tired and afterwards all through my cycle im totally tired but then as soon as my extent is over im back to my mundane self but not this time i still feel especially tired and my stomache has be upset for like the final couple of days and i ended myperiod on Tuesday and im of late not feeling resembling my nornal self anyone have any accepted wisdom or have you experienced this your self? or it could be nought but just considered necessary to see Thanks


It could be that your body is changing. Some women be aware of more lathargic while menstrating. My OB recommended that I take a on a daily basis iron suppliment. This helps replace anything loss during menstration and will sustain you feel better. It's best to bear it in the morning near a small glass of OJ. OJ have properies in them that allows the iron to hug to it and carry it throughout the body better. Also drink lots of river throughout the day as iron can brand name you feel constipated. If your iron count is low it can purloin 30-60 days for the levels to return to common. Make this apart of your daily regiment and you'll own less problems near mentrating.

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Its probably nothing. You body could be over whelmed beside work or a stressful situation. Or your body could be trying to fight something. Drink some Vit C and permit your body runs its course

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Was your period beefy? Sometimes when mine is especially heavy I get hold of tired and have low gusto because I've lost just alittle too much iron and wasn't replacing it express enough within my diet. Try eating avocados or strawberries or anything really lofty in iron. Even if you regard as it wasn't any different from your last interval it still could be a lack of iron contained by your diet making you tired.

If you don't feel any better or worse within a few days you may just be getting sick. If you are really concerned telephone call your doctor.

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