Scared! please abet?

i'm 21 years old. i started my time when i was a freshman within high arts school. im pretty small for my age too. only just about 98 lbs. my question is, is it ok to hold irregular periods? mine is for a while irregular at times. but other times it comes like clockwork. i know its lame asking this online but i dont own anyone to go to. my mom passed away :( its in recent times ive been thinking in the region of it alot lately since my period be supposed to come and hasnt yet. and iknow for a reality im not pregnant. im worried about things similar to never being competent to have kids and adjectives that. its really starting to scare me. nearby could possibly be something wrong with me. im too panicky to go to the doctors. the unknown can be pretty alarming at times. but theres also a possiblilty that im perfectly fine.

Last month I have 2 periods contained by 1 month. Now this month I still havent had my length what could it be?

You have never be to a gynecologist,you should be going once a year for a pelvic exam and papst smear, they will explain any concerns or questions you own.
My gynecologist is female, impressively gentle and humanitarian...she is great!

I asked a question nearly the placement of a woman's *-spot?

To fully know the answer to this kind of quiz would require a doctor's testing, or the hoary fashioned trying to get pregnant article would also answer it.

Some couples take a year of trying back they conceive.

Help me with my period?

Some women have instinctively irregular periods. You really should dance to a gynecologist (there's nothing to be panicky of) to make sure that everything is ok.

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I would say you are faultlessly fine! If you have have any stress in your energy or even stressed out about not have your period this could be the bring. Just relax and go on next to your life and it will appear. I'm sure!

Wuts a hymen?

oh no! you're gonna die!


Quit caffeine, nicotine, eat capably, and sleep well, relax, don't stress out, and your period will probably even out.

Starving yourself can disrupt the cycle, as can stress, lack of sleep, or drugs.

But an irregular interval isn't much to worry just about, unless you've been clockwork for years.

Some itching?

Some nation have irregular period especially those who are small and underweight. But perhaps u may enjoy something going on with you to be exact NOT normal. YOU MUST see a doctor!! I confess that it's not the most pleasant thing contained by the world or the most comfortable, but only near a doctor will u be able to find out for sure the answer to your quiz. Make an appt. with a GYN, and when u walk, make sure you explain that u hold a fear of doctors.afterwards I'm sure he/she will treat u with special assistance.

I havent gotten my period?

ok. first, sit down and relax. breathe...honey, don't be paranoid just about it. it is NORMAL! you already sure that you were not pregnant, so that scheme that you're not having any sexual intercourse next to the others. some women have irregularity when it comes to their menstrual cycle. body's hormones tend to changeover when women change their events or anything for that matter. sometimes it's because of the depression women have encountering. are you stressed or what? the best entity you can do is to consult a gynecologist. they are the only general public who can help you surrounded by this case. but believe me, your situation is soo mundane you don't have to verbs about that. don't be terrified cuz i've been nearby and done that.

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As a personage who doesn't like going to the doctor, I can take where you're coming from. However, it's extremely noteworthy that you have an OBGYN and you capture checkups each year. Ask your friends roughly speaking their doctors and make an appointment near one who sounds like a devout fit for you. Your doctor is used to dealing with these types of things, so it's nil to be embarassed about. My guess is that you are fine, but PLEASE run get a checkup. Your condition is too valuable to pull because you're afraid to go to the doctor. Getting a check-up and a verbs bill of health will lessen your worries!

Missed period prob?

Relax. The sense why this is happening is because you're underweight. This is not atypical for women that are hard training athletes any. It will not stop you from having children any. When you increase your weight, your period will go support to be being more regular. Also, you mentioned not have a female to discuss this beside, if you have a Planned Parenthood within your area they enjoy female adviser for women's health related question. There is no charge for this. Or if you'd like, you can email me. I'm within my mid- 30's and am a Doctor. (I just don't resembling to advertise this on the yahoo boards, but what the heck)
I'd be bright and breezy to help/listen.

I have a kidney infection. I haven't have a period surrounded by almost 2 months now. The blood interview, urine, and ultraso

Sorry to hear about your mom Lindsey. Dont be dismayed about not knowing these things, I am 27 and hold had 3 kids and enjoy never had a timable time of year. I am usually off anywhere from 2 days to 5 and sometimes it with the sole purpose lasts 3 days others hard to digest flow for a couple days then feathery flow for a few. You are still young and your body is still trying to numeral out a rythm, develope its cycle. Some women can set their schedual by their periods and others resembling me usually can pinpoint it within a few daylight range, but if you are experiencing backache, abnormal discharge similar to big clots or if it has an abnormal color or smell then you stipulation to be seen by some one. If its solitary an irregular thing consequently you have nil to worry roughly, and until you try to have children and are equipped to concieve a baby that is to say when most people find out more or less fertility issues so I wouldnt worry too much but.

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It is without fault normal to own irregular periods, especially when you are stressed, are greatly athletic, and actually, body size CAN POSSIBLY own an effect on your hormones...women who are very tiny, resembling yourself, or women who are larger can have irregular period.

There are treatments that gynecologists can do to help regulate your period. We gals should have a twelve-monthly physical with pelvic exam.

I do not reckon there is anything to verbs about, but if you haven't have a pelvic exam, you should just to relaxation your mind, and get some treatment planning to help you catch regulated so that when the day comes when you do desire to start your family, you will enjoy a treatment plan with your doctor to product that a little easier.

Science Question?

I'm no doctor, but I don`t know this will comfort you until you get an answer from one. I hold been working as a merciful advocate for a life-size hospital in the OB/GYN department for 7 years, and own talked near many patients and doctors nearly almost any problem you can imagine.

Some girls' period arrive like clockwork. Others seize theirs at slightly different times each month. Many girls take regular periods most of the time, but occasionally skip a extent or get an extra length during times because of stress, certain medication, excessive exercise, or very low body immensity (like yourself) ,

Illness, rapid mass change, stress, or not consumption enough calories can formulate things more unpredictable because the part of the brain that regulates period is influenced by events like these. These are adjectives natural.

Others may develop problems as a result of a hormone inequality. For example, disorders of the thyroid gland can cause menstrual irregularities if the level of thyroid hormone in the blood become too low or too large.

Some women have irregular period because their bodies produce too much androgen, which is a hormone that causes increased muscle mass, facial spine, and deepening of the voice contained by males and the development of pubic spike and increased height contained by girls. High amounts of androgen can also cause hackle growth on the face, chin, chest, and belly, and is sometimes associated with excessive consignment gain, so I would imagine this is not you.

Please don’t be afraid to see a doctor :), trust me, they’ve see some of everything and will be able to confer you some guidence. The doctor may prescribe hormone pills or other medications or recommend lifestyle change that can help you to own regular periods.

I'm sure your fine though. So don't verbs too much :)

I ve severe stomach at my every periods..plz anyone can supply me some remedies to control my ache?

Ok. Breathe... within... and out. Now, how tall are you? If you are 5ft or smaller amount, 98 lbs would not be underweight. But, if you are underweight, dieting, a runner, sleep deprived... there are masses explanations, including stress and anxiety, that can interrupt your otherwise normal cycling. Obsessing can solitary exacerbate the problem. Attend to it constructively. Ignorance is not bliss, nor does it usually bring real peace. Eat, sleep, and procure a check-up with the doctor.

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