Quickest Birth COntrol How? Which one?

I don't have insurance currently. I wasn't on BC, didn't requirement for years. Now need directly if ya know what I mean! I am 41 surrounded by August. Where can I go, which is best next to lest side effects, and how soon do they start working. My period concluded yesterday.


I think its true?

GO to planned paternity and bring your income information. You might be able to find tehm there for cheaper. THe best one inmy assessment is Orthotricyclin Lo. Simply because it has a smaller amount of hormones. They method you start th epill is you have to continue for your period to start and later you take it on sunday after the dawn of your period and it take your body about a month to go and get used to the hormone. So...birth control is great but it is not fast.

Abdominal pains?

Try a condom!

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Birth Control quickest: condom.
Other than that I would vote the shot works quickest, but it is harmful contained by long durations.

Or cut your tubes. That's quick and undying.

Didn't change tampon after one in pool?

quickest is plainly a condom, otherwise an iud is effective urgently after putting it in. you can go to planned motherliness

Boobs boobs and more boobs?

celibacy sworks real resourcefully

Period question?

Nuva Ring works in 5 days. It slowly let out the same hormones as the pill, but you confer on it in for 3 weeks and after take it out for 1 for your term.

Here's the website: www.nuvaring.com

I am a teenage girl i want to know wht companys formulate ECP's,n which is the best tht i can use?

Planned parenthood can assistance you, it is based on a sliding amount. As far as which is the best, they are all different so the best for me may not be the best for you.

You requirement to use the pill for one FULL cycle before it is powerful. So even if you take it right immediately you still need to use a condom.

Is nearby a suppository for an Anal fissure ?

Use whatever you want, and don't verbs about how long it take to work. Just use a condom until the BC of your choice becomes influential.

Is it true that your breasts will grow once youve had your interval?

Well, pretty much everything except condoms requires a prescription. Why don't you use those for your...er...immediate desires.

I'd say move about to Planned Parenthood...I'm told that they offer free/cheap exams and extremely reduced cost birth control pills. This would probably be your best bet soon and with little money. Depending on which pill you help yourself to, they can start working immediately, and side effects rise and fall with respectively person.

Spotting query. please help?

At 41 you know what cause pregnancy, use condoms or keep your legs crossed or play beside yourself and get a vibrator.

Why do guys win props for sleeping around, but girls get call sl*tty for doing it?

theres this pill called plan b
you rob it after sex to stop pregnancy.

i would use that if "* happens"

but its a very pricy pill.

but you cannot embezzle the pill untill you start your next term, and it only comes within affect a month later.

stick to condoms untill afterwards.

Ladies, would you consider donating your eggs?

condom and foam. available over the counter.

Breasts get bigger - I am over 30?

The condom..They come contained by assorted sizes, flavors and colors, many types of texture available, only take a minute to put on, use it and through away, and can be purchased at local drug store.

Some times it feels similar to there is a lump below my arm when I put my arm next to my breast it feel weird?

Health departments usually present them on an "as you can afford to pay" basis.

Use condoms for the first month after starting any birth control...most are 97% forceful taken accuratley, but if you start them before your subsequent period starts, they're pretty useless.

Periods twice to three times a month?

You can dance to your local Health Department or Family Planning Clinic for birth control options. Immediate protection would be the mature fashioned condoms. Most other birth controls take some time to acquire into your system (a recommended 30 days). But if you're not planning on any more children, Family Planning is based on income and could cover the entire cost of sterilization. Good Luck!

How prehistoric were u when u have ur period??

hi! travel to a walk contained by and get prescription bc.. after you receive it give atleast a few hours to enter ur bloodstream and clutch effect.. if you need asap and dont hold time for doc, then i rcomend using condoms..the one i cart is called erin, it have no estrogen and side effects are sooo little..in f achievement i dont ave side effects..hope that helped... !

If a woman be trying to have a infant for 4 months and was un successfuk does that show she cannot have kids ?

At this point i would lurk for menstuation...its just around the corner

Ok, I go pee and?

Quickest birth control is not having sex. Totally foolproof, no side effects.

What may be the problem(the cause),when a woman have period every 35 days or more..?

Birth Control is cheaper than Diapers!

Try planned maternity.

Use condoms.

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