After taking Norethisterone for a week to rescheduling period, will it be heavier than typical when it comes on?

Just wondered if taking norethisterine 5mg 3x daily from days 25 for a week will basis the resulting period to be heavier/lighter same as usual? in recent times wondered what people who'd used it hold found please

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Yes, it can be, but it could be lighter contained by some people. In my experience it is more expected to be a little heavier.

Basically, if you suspension menstruation, then it may allow a further build up surrounded by the lining of the womb, which lead to heavier bleeding when the medication is stopped.

Some women actually use the oral contraceptive pill to do this within a slightly different way - instead of have a break (and a bleed) every month, they take it contiuously for three months beforehand having a break.

This should lone be done with the agreement of your doctor, as some pills enjoy different dosages at different times of the month, and cannot be used in this route.

If you have length problems, then herbal medicine can be extremely useful within helping to sort them out, but do seek the support of an experienced practitioner to some extent than trying to do it alone.

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my daughter has used this twice, as she looked-for to delay her time of year for a holiday, she came on in a day of stopping and have a normal length both times hope thats a help to you.

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